
Showing posts from November, 2010

Josiah....AKA: Number 4

Josiah is 4 and has always been quite quiet and not very demanding. He was so easy going as a baby and toddler. Most of the time he is smiling. He is so pleasant. God knew we needed him this way. He was only 18 months when Micah was diagnosed. If he would have been demanding and clingy, I don't know what we would have done. He spent a lot of time at aunt's houses and with babysitters at home. We could really just drop him off anywhere and he wouldn't even look back.  His temperment was a real blessing. I have mentioned before that Josiah is so sloooooow and impractical that sometimes I just don't know what to do with him. Usually I laugh, but there are times when I want to say to him, "Serious?" (: I know it will come someday. He loves to do school. I can never satisfy him with the time I give him. He is a kid who knows how to learn. If he doesn't know the answer, he will find a way to get it. The other day I gave him some flash cards and told him to ...

My delicious little lady......

Grace is now 5 months and a little. I can't believe the time has gone so fast. She is a very pleasant little girl. I would love it if she would sleep a little more, but that will come. She is one child that can make Ken and I smile every single time, I mean EVERY single time we look at her. She has a way.  She melts us, like I mean a giant puddle on the floor melt. It doesn't matter what kind of day we are having. She can make a hurting heart smile and a tired body feel energized.  We just can't walk by her without smiling at her or picking her up and kissing her little slobbery neck!  She gives me this feeling in my heart, that is warm and gloopy. I just can't explain it. I love the other kids so much too and each in their own way, but I am telling you, Grace just has this thing about her. Even when Micah  is sooo miserable because  he is tired, he will look at her and put his hand on his heart and say "OOOOOOHHHH Grace". The other kids have the same thing. ...

A Tuesday Afternoon Walk.

One of the many advantages of homeschooling is that if we get our work done in the morning, we can do something fun in the afternoon. Our favorite things to do is to go for walks and just get out. We don't do it nearly enough. Some afternoons we just have quiet time. We had a few beautiful days in November and we just couldn't stay home, so we went to Springwater in the afternoon for a hike. It was so fun.  Ken is usually our directions guy. I am more of the kind of person to just start walking and see what happens. We didn't even think to look at the map before we decided which way to go. Thankfully it was only an hour. If we wouldn't have made the right turn in the middle of the trail it would have been soooo long for the kids! (: Our Josh just loves to climb and walk across things. He made it to the end of this one. He has got great balance and is very strong. He is always pushing to see how far he can go or how high he can climb. When we go walking he LOVE...

It's just Micah.,......

At first glance, this picture of Micah's math book, looks like he just scribbled instead of doing what he was supposed to. But if you look closely you will see that he did it - just his way. I think this picture about sums up his personality. I saw him smiling a little as he was doing his math. I thought it was awful strange that he was enjoying math on a Friday! (: So if you know Micah, this may make you smile. But if you don't know Micah, just look at these twirly lines that should be straight and you will then have a small picture of what his personality is like. Some may say he has more than a little touch of Van Dyk in him.  AHEM..... He is fantastic and is a crazy one. We love him desperately! (:   Oh and just so you know,  I didn't actually mark it for accuracy. He made me laugh really hard, so he got a check mark.  I am assuming he got all the answers right! (:

Off to the Races......

There is a man named Ron Sheridan, who is a race car driver and super sweet man who.......... ....... has a cool car! When Micah was about 7 months into treatment in the summer of 2008, Ron offered Josh and Micah a ride in his car. The boys were very excited. They had a good time. Micah had just finished radiation and was very sick at that time. So although it was an experience, he didn't enjoy it as much as he could have. Micah`s ride 2.5 years ago.  So two Saturdays ago, Ken and the kids were invited out to Delaware for another ride. This time, Micah was healthy and they all had an amazing time. Even Ken and Josiah went for a ride. Micah getting ready to go. He is very ready now! (: Micah got to go in two cars. I am pretty sure that Ron has a practice car and the car he uses in races. This one here is the race car. It doesn't have a passenger seat. Micah is just kind of sitting on the bars. This is the practice car.  See his head? The first...

It's a Hard Life.....

It must be hard work to be 5 months... (: Just a note: This jumperoo is amazing! She jumps in it like a crazy woman all day. I highly recommend it!

3 Years ago.....

Three years ago tomorrow was a Wednesday and a day that we will never forget. Micah complained of a stomach ache after supper. When the kids complain of stomach pain, I often lay them on the couch and feel around. I am not sure if I do it for them to let them know that I am listening and I care, or for me to make sure they don't have appendicitis or something. Those little exams usually end with the kids running away and being fine. This time I was feeling around Micah's belly and I felt something around his belly button. I looked across his stomach sideways and I saw that the area just above his belly button was slightly raised and it felt different. It felt different all the way down way past his underwear line. I could actually grab something and move it. It was big. Naively thinking that it may be a hernia, I made an appointment to see our family doc. On Friday we went for an appointment and were sent right over to get an ultrasound and an XRAY. When the ultrasound tech ask...