The kids and I have been done school for a few weeks and are getting ready to start a bit of our next year's work. Micah finished last week and his report card came in the mail today!  Ken is done this year's work and has started into next year's stuff. The end is here! (:  I am so excited for unscheduled days and for Ken to be home. I just love to have everyone home for a while. I am laughing at that last sentence. I adore the quieter pace and the family time. Like everyone else, our school year is crazy busy. Truth be told though, by mid-July I will be pining for routine and fewer people in my house all the time! I am laughing because I know myself so well! (:

Grace turned 8 a few weeks ago. She wanted a basket and a bell for her bike and some goggles for her birthday. Here is a picture on her birthday with her fabulous basket. It took me a bit to find, but it's screaming - GRAAAACE!! ( :

Micah had his yearly appointment at the hospital this past week. He went for a checkup, a pulmonary function test, and an EKG. Things went well.  He is in fantastic shape considering what his body has been through. His heart looks great and in the last year his lungs haven't hardened up anymore (from radiation). Even though it went well, we are going to go to the respirologist to ask some questions.We are especially thankful because in March, Micah was feeling very poorly and there were many obvious signs that cancer was back. I could have checked the boxes down a list of indicators. At that time we took him to get an x-ray and bloodwork. That was a tough few days, but everything came back clear. We were incredibly thankful in March and are equally thankful now. No words.

 Here is our annual picture of Micah at his E entrance.

As I write this, I am listening to the tractor going through the field. It's spraying something. We have become field lookers.

      "Hey, Ken! Look at that beautiful corn over there! It's so much taller than the corn in our field. Hey kids! Look how scrawny that corn looks. Maybe it needs some rain! Oh, look at that wheat blowing in the wind. I wish we had wheat in our field!"

It's funny what happens when someone is surrounded by fields. I have become a farmer by location. Haha.  I love the change in season - the planting, the growing, and the harvest. I see God in it. It shows His faithfulness. When we moved in, the fields were full of beautiful wheat. I loved how it blew in the wind and how the yellow looked with the rising and setting of the sun. This might sound a bit Anne of Green Gables-ish, but wheat made me feel wistful and there is romance to it. Last year we had beans. They were just plain ugly and boring.  This year we have corn. I am predicting that corn will be cozy. Our house is far off the road and when the corn is big we will be invisible. We just have to make sure we don't lose Tessa. We might have to have a drone on stand-by. (:

See, beautiful, wistful and romantic. This is my favorite picture that Josh took. 

 I found a picture of beans from last year. I guess it's ok, but it sure isn't wheat! (:

Our years in GR were probably some of our sweetest. We did well living away from family because we had a great church family and a seminary community. It helped that we had a great house that fit our family perfectly. The kids had good friends at church and in our neighborhood. We had amazing homeschooling support in the way of 'school' on Fridays. The city was fun and the highways were fast! (wink) Even though we came back to St Thomas every 8 weeks for insurance purposes, we weren't connected to the day in and day out of our extended family. Living here now makes me so thankful for the daily connections. I love that my kids can spend time with their cousins again and that we can go to all our family gatherings. It's such a huge blessing.

Here is my favorite picture of Tessa and one of her cousins. Tessa is on the tiny scale and Sam is on the big scale. I think there is about 18 months difference. She wanted to hold him so badly and she disappeared under him. Excuse Sam's legs sticking out of his sleeper. I think it happened while the kids were playing with him. (: Look at their little toes. Melty.

I had to do this one too because it shows off Sam's dimples! (: 

Tessa is swimming up a storm and last week she discovered goggles. She makes us laugh! I am excited that I finally found a used little life jacket that will work for her. It was a hard find. She is way too short for most of them. This floaty that she is wearing works, but she gets stuck on the ladder because she is too wide. She gets super frustrated. Haha. Our girl is blossoming into crazy. She is super fun but is starting to give us a run for our money. 

We bought a projector years ago in GR on an auction site for suuuper cheap and it got put in a tote and was never really used. Micah found it again and VOILA! Baseball on the side of the barn. Soccer on the living room wall and movie afternoons in a dark bedroom. So fun!!! One of these nights we are going to have a family movie/pool party. That is my kind of fun!  The challenge is to find a movie that appeals to Ken all the way down to Grace. Impossible! (:
