So winter is here. Today Ken and Micah are home for their first snow day. It's nice to have a relaxed day here. Everyone needs it. The kids and I worked ahead last night on our school work so we could have some time off too if we got some snow. We actually don't have a home computer anymore. It's tougher than I thought to go without. We just have Ken's school computer. So it's always in use in the evening by someone, who is doing school work. So my blogging has kind of fallen by the wayside. It's one thing that I can't do on my phone. I just spotted the computer sitting on the table unused, so I grabbed it. The big kids are outside and Tessa is in bed, so I have a little time to myself with the computer. Nice.

Last time I was here, we were just getting ready to go out east for 2 weeks. It was the best time ever. We had an accident on the way home in Massachusetts, but all was well. The Lord was very gracious. I long to go back out east. The smell of the air and the ocean is calling my name. It's been hard to shake.That sounds so silly. But it's in my blood now. I thought that out west couldn't be topped. I am still not exactly sure why, but I like the east better. I think the mountains make me a little claustrophobic. Odd I know. 

In the last months, Tessa has become a little person. She is stringing together 3 and 4 words. She talks and talks in sentences that we can't understand. Tessa is not going to be a quiet one. She is quirky and a little crazy. Some say that she takes after me. But as active as she is, she is just as cuddly. I have never had a little one that at 20 months that will crawl into bed with me and sleep in my arms or sit in a chair with me for hours if I would let her with her baby and blanket. She is a yummy one. (: 

Ken is still teaching and preaching as time allows. Josh is in college. Micah has started grade 10 and will be driving in 3 weeks. I am so excited for him. Natalie, Siah, and Grace are working steadily at home and Tessa spends her time trying to write in everyone's books. (We need the eye roll emoji here. My writing would make so much more sense with emojis. See now I need a winky face. Haha)

This month has been baby month in my family. My sister had Roman, my brother had Lainey, a sister in law had Allison and one baby is coming any moment. One of my favorite ways to see God's tenderness is in the birth of new babies.  It also means lots of cuddles for me. I love it!

I have about 40 pictures that I need to post from the last months, but these are my recent favorites. I know they are mostly Tessa, but that is what happens with the youngest. 

Writing on everything. (: 

Siah is so soft and tender, especially with Grace and Tessa. I love it. 

Natalie has been taking sewing and she is doing some weaving. So fun!

Tessa with her favourite blanket, book and baby.

I just adore piggy tales. Although, I have to stop using her little elastics. They are breaking her hair. I am not sure what to replace them with. Barretts don't stay in and clothy elastics don't worth either. Any ideas? (: 

My sister just had a new baby, whose name is Roman. We adore him. What a little treasure!

I will leave you my new favorite quote from Nancy Demoss W. It's something that has really hit me square in the eyes in the last week. I quite love it. Think about it. It says so much in such a few words. (: 
"Time is short. Eternity is long. Jesus is coming." 


  1. The west looks beautiful, but makes me feel claustrophobic too. :D Feels so nice to see long distances and have lots of air to breathe around here. :)


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