One year

This is a lot of words and a lot of pictures for one little lady Since I can't bottle her, I have to write it down so I don't forget! (: Our littlest girl Tessa, who is also known around here as TT, Bee-bee, Tessie, Tess, Te-ssaaaa Pig (Instead of Peppa pig haha) and Molly. Ken calls Tessa Molly at least once a day. She has longish hair that is in her eyes often and she looks like a Molly especially when she just wakes up. According to my middle boy, she is the cutest and sweetest baby he has ever seen or loved. I think he is right. We all love her so much and she has added much joy to our family. If you ran a video camera in our house, I am positive that at least once a day you would see and hear us all gushing taking delight in her as a family. There are lots of laughs, smiles and awwwwwww's. We thank the Lord for her. She has a big personality and is spunky and fun. I adore her shiny eyes. If I stand still for a second too long, she will be holding onto ...