
All of our kids are so special, each in their own way. There is no doubt. We celebrate each victory and new step with joy. I love celebrating birthdays with the kids. The fun of balloons, a special supper,cake and a present is exciting!!!  Each new year is a beautiful blessing that the Lord has given. Each new age also brings it's own unique fun.

Today Micah is 13. I wasn't planning to do a post, but I can't let this day go. So many of you walked these years with us and it just seems fitting to celebrate these milestones with you. I have been sitting here for a while trying to find the words, but they are not coming easily. No words seem to do justice to how our hearts are feeling.  

Just this week, after reading a caringbridge entry from a little girl, did I see from the outside where we were 5 years ago at this time. I had my perspective, but it's different reading it aloud objectively (if that makes sense). It made me see anew the beauty of the gift the Lord gave us.

Here is Micah on his 8th birthday. He had just relapsed and got his port back in the day before. Things were so uncertain and although we were resting in the hands of our Almighty, we were all hurting tremendously and I think tears were part of every hour. The way he is holding his hand makes me smile. He was protecting his port because he just had surgery. But whenever it was accessed at the hospital, he would walk around with his hand there and without a shirt. His hand just went there without him thinking. I think he was the only one who walked shirtless. I chalk it up to being part Van Dyk!  (:

Every birthday or anniversary we have with Micah is another opportunity to remember what the Lord has done. He gave Micah back to us and has given him 5 more years of health.

Thank the Lord us and celebrate with us. It's beautiful in too many ways to count! (:

Here is our Micah today! Look how big he is!!


  1. Happy Birthday Micah! Hope it's a great first day of being a teenager!

    P.S. Belinda, I think he's looking more like Ken in this picture! I used to think he was all Vandyk!

  2. I was just thinking that he really looks like Ken in this picture too! The shirtless part though is definitely Van Dyk LOL. What a blessing. Happy Birthday Micah.

  3. What a blessing, happy birthday to your teenager....:)


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