Another year is here!!!!

What is that New Years Eve Song? daaaaa, da ,da , da, daaaa-da da, daaaa, daaaaaaaa-daaaa...... That song is playing in my head as I write this. Hehe !(:

ANOTHER new year is here.


The number actually makes me laugh. In 1999, we lived in the Niagara area. We bought extra water and canned stuff like every other crazy for Y2K. Remember that? The thought of the calendar turning to the year 2000 kind of blew my mind. When someone would mention 2010 or 2015, I figured we would be flying in cars by that time. It sounded light years away. The fact that I would be turning 39 in the year 2015 probably made me shake my 23 year old head too! At that time 39 might as well have been 70 really.

Our lives are more centered on technology, but nothing crazy is happening. At least we aren't in flying cars yet. Although, I would have paid big time for our Honda Pilot to take off on the trip home from Canada last week. The trip felt like it was a pregnancy - the last days of pregnancy. You know the ones that feel like they will never end? I laughed out loud when I stepped in the door to my house. It's no joke people, I was ecstatic! (:

I was driving with Natalie this morning and we were talking about a new year and what 2015 meant to us. We thought about all of our ages turning another page. Ken, 42, Me, 39, Josh 17, Micah, 13. Natalie, 11. Josiah, 9. Grace, 5. That is a big deal.

We thought about Ken's schooling. Next time this year, Ken will be getting ready for his last semester of seminary. That means I will be throwing everything out and goodwillling like a crazy person while gearing up to move. Josh will be getting ready to graduate high school. We will be getting ready to say good-bye to another chapter.

The next thing that came to mind is Micah. On March 25, Micah will be cancer free for 5 years. What an amazing thing it is to say that Micah relapsed over 5 years ago.Think about that. 5 years. How overwhelming. When we get to March, he will also have gone a year without a scan for the first time in 7.5 years. That is another milestone. Look where the Lord chose to take us. It's beautiful. (We would still be blessed if He had chosen a different path. God is just as good and gracious in death as He is in life.)

I am not really a resolution person. It's not wrong or silly, it just doesn't work for me. I am trying to shred my all or nothing mentality and the thinking that you need to start something new on a Monday and if you fail you have to wait until next Monday to start again. Or if it's December 1 and I am working on being more disciplined in one area, I don't want to have the mind set that I might as well wait until January 1. I want to strive to be faithful in the things I struggle with at the moment. No putting off! Now is the time. It's taken me years to grab hold of this NOW thing. I am working at it, with many failures still. It sure is a process!(:

The turning of the calendar is a good time to thank the Lord for His mercy, grace and strength that He has given us in 2014. It's a time to look back at His blessings and how He has tempered us and grown us. We are a constant work in progress and I love to look back and see how He has worked in our family and in each of us as individuals in the last year. In some, they are minute changes and in others bigger ones. But they are there. It's amazing to me that He cares to work on us.

I guess I don't know where I am going with this....... Maybe it's just that I want to share that every single year, month, week, day and hour is a gift from the Lord. When we turn the calendar to that new year are we exactly where we were last year at this time? Are we striving to grow in the Lord? Are we nourishing our relationships in our families? Are we thriving or just surviving? Are we living proactively or are we always behind the ball living reactively? It's hard stuff. Growing, learning, striving and fighting to be faithful can be so discouraging and so exhausting. But the blessings are equally as wonderful.

One more note..... 15 years have passed since Y2K. Josh was turning 2, now he is turning 17. Nutso. Well, in another 15 years this girl could be doing this.... Can. You. Imagine. My Oma has always said that "Life is just a moment!" She has been telling me that since I was a teenager. She is right. (:


  1. Happy New Year to your family! Praying that you all will continue to look to God as your Guide. I remember the Y2K....I was 21. Such a baby, really. But a married one....eek! And I am the same with you "all or nothing" and so resolutions don't work well for me. My want for perfectionism gets in the way, and makes it all a negative experience. But I do enjoy daily resolutions. I also enjoy your blogs, so keep on blogging! :o)

  2. I totally get the waiting until new day, week, month. A fresh start is always good, but so true we need to do it now!

    Happy New Year to you all!


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