It all started 7 years ago.....

5 years old. September 2007. A few months before diagnoses. Ken, Micah and Siah are gone on a camping trip with cadets. It's Josiah's first time going on a fall campout. The dads are always invited, but none usually go. Ken likes camping a lot, but just not so much in the cold. On the bright side, it's a little warmer than last year. (grin) The boys are thrilled he is going. Ken is a kind dad! (: So it's pretty quiet here, which is odd for a Friday night at 5:35. Quiet is nice! (: Today is the seven year anniversary of the start of our journey with Micah and cancer. (Micah's story) 12 years old. September 2014 Usually on this day, I have so much to say. This year, I don't have anything to say. I think I have said it all already. (: I simply wanted to share this milestone and to ask you to praise God with us that we can acknowledge this day as a family of 7. I wouldn't say it's a day of celebration like March 25 is. It's more of a ...