Picture Day

The first day of Gems and Cadets. Siah is excited that he gets to go as well. It's a short walk across the street! (: 

Grace is saying, "Faster Siah, faster!!!" It was funny, but boy can hardly hold her up.  (:

This is what happens when you have a big rider and a small horse!(: 

We went to Art Prize. It's a highlight of our year in Grand Rapids. The kids were THRILLED about a bus ride downtown! Here are Grace and Siah waiting for the bus.

That is Natalie's excited, but trying to hold it in face! (:

This was so cool. It was a room of 3D boxes. Micah has stuck his head in one side and I took a pic from the other. They were very well done!

I love this one like crazy! Ken stuck his head in really far and it made for a cool picture! (:

In front of the Gerald Ford Museum. (Josh was home doing homework)

This is weird, but it appealed to my weird mind! (:

Grand Rapids is so beautiful. I couldn't resist as few downtown pictures from one of the bridges.

Grace was super tired one morning, so while we started school, I let her watch a show. This was a pretty brilliant set up she came up with!  That is one of her last pictures with her BUNNY. We lost Bunny for 4 days. We found her back, but didn't give it back. I am so thankful we got her back. I want it to go in a box so she can have it when she is older.  She has attached herself to a cute Elly the elephant that she sleeps with. We are a step ahead. There is a lot less finger sucking during the day and she doesn't HAVE to have Elly to sleep. Phew. We lost Elly for a day and she thought that bunny and Elly must have been talking together somewhere. Her imagination.....(:

This is a celebration picture. You can probably only see the G, but  Grace wrote her name for the first time on the window. It was a big deal.  (:

Our newest Blue Jay fan on an early Saturday morning....

We spent a few hours with everyone bringing this desk into Ken's office on Saturday. Saying it was heavy is an understatement. It's amazing what Ken, Josh and I could do with the assistance of the rest! (:  It's been in 3 pieces in the garage for a few months. Ken just hadn't had time to empty his office which included a desk, table, LOTS of papers and 3 bookshelves. It fills his office almost completely from side to side. It was worth the wait and the effort! I think Ken will get many years of work done on this desk. This gift was a blessing to us.

Grace loved the activity. Slowly throughout the afternoon she got a sweater on and then added a hat, but kept her flips on. You can see how red her feet are. They are freezing! This picture makes me grin! I couldn't pick just one, so I just put them both in. (:

That's all for today! (:
