A post from last spring...

I found this post from this past spring as I was cleaning up all of the drafts on my blog. I start so many posts and never finish them. But I want to share the description of Siah at the bottom. The first paragraph will also be great for me to be able read some day when I look back at this time. It sums our neighborhood up with just a few sounds. (:


In our neighborhood, spring means the school marching band pounding out it's drums until well after 8:30 some nights, being able to hear the the church worshiping across the street on Sunday afternoon and the man that lives in the motel by our house, revving his dying motorcycle and driving up and down the street, sometimes as late as 10 pm.  I suuuuuuure, like reaaaaaaaaaalllllly, could do without Mr Motorcycle man! To some people spring means flowers and birds singing, to us it means lots of interesting noises! (:

Grace is growing so big. But one thing that isn't changing is the love for her bunny. If anything it's growing. Today she was sitting by the washing machine because Bunny was in there. She explained that her bunny does not like 'loop de loops. Bunny does not like water, she likes carrots.' She was weeping as she was explaining this. This girl makes me smile so much. I know for sure I gushed about all my kids at this age. I love this age. They are becoming their own person. I  think it's even more fun this time around because we have so many more people to enjoy her! (:

My Siah turned 8 this past Sunday (April 20). All of our kids are special, there is no doubt. Each child is an individual and we love what makes them all different. Our Siah is very unique! (:  A lot of people don't know who Siah is. To the best of my ability, this is who he is....

  • He is an intellectual thinker rather than a practical thinker. 
  • He loves to read. 
  • He is sweet with little kids. 
  • He is often lagging behind on our way out the door. We leave him in stores and at people's houses because he is in his own little world. 
  • He is very color blind. 
  • He is so honest and is just starting to realized the need for a filter.  
  • He is sensitive. 
  • He rarely needs to be disciplined. But when it's necessary, a quiet word about his behavior is enough.  
  • He is spiritually sensitive. He takes in truths and I can see him thinking about them. The questions he asks are insightful. Sometimes when he asks a question I want to laugh because I don't always know the answers. They are often issues that are widely debated! He is the boy who cried when he realized that just one of our sins was enough to cause Jesus to die on the cross. 
  • He is super coordinated and can pick up most sports and just play them. 
  • He has a wicked serve in ping pong. 
  • He loves to play outside, but sometimes has to be pushed to go. Sitting at the computer, ipod or on the couch reading appeals to him way more. 
  • He has a HUGE personality, even though he seems quiet. 
  • He can recite lines of movies or lines of books like a crazy man with the right voice and intonation. He could use an outlet for that. He would be a great kid to act in plays.
  • Sometimes he tries to be funny with a witty come back and it never works. The other day it actually worked and he said, "Ha! It was funny!" That made us laugh more than whatever he said! (:  
  • His memory is incredible. I have to make more of an effort to get the good stuff into that beautiful brain. 
  • He doesn't need stuff to make him happy. If you ask him what he wants to get for his birthday or Christmas, he will usually say, "Nothing". This year we got him a kids National Geographic magazine subscription. He loves getting stuff in the mail and reading. I think we hit it well! (: 
  • I think that because of where he is in the family and because he is not needy and is so content, he tends to get the least attention. In a bigger family, it's the ones who need attention that get it. So I have to remember to scoop him up and kiss his face more often. 
 We love our little guy! His tenderness is a gift and he is such a blessing to our family.


  1. I love that boy! He makes me smile all the time! I love his quirky character; it's just so, so.... Siah!!


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