Our First Broken Bone!

Last Monday night, Siah jumped out of the van too early, his coat got caught on his seat, so he couldn't jump clear. Our big honking Honda Pilot ran over his foot. 

Ken had taken the kids to the park for half an hour after supper to feed the ducks and give me a little quiet. I was doing dishes when Naddie came screaming into the house that dad ran over Siah's foot. The terror in her voice shook me for a few days. The 'Mom' that Josh gave me when he came in makes me a bit teary yet. My kids were shaken to the core.

Ken came in with Siah and laid him on the couch and he was shaking and screaming. My poor little Siah. I hugged him and rocked him until he calmed down. I gave him my ipod with some cartoons on it to distract him. Within 15 minutes he was sitting quietly doing just fine. His foot had some black tire marks on it, but there was nothing that looked odd. It was a little swollen, but no funny colors. A little while later, he hobbled on it. He wasn't even in a lot of pain. So we thought we would wait until the morning to see how he was doing. 

The next day, he was doing fine, but putting no weight on it. He didn't even need any advil. It still wasn't really hurting. I thought a broken foot would be throbbing.  On Wednesday a nurse friend came to look at it and suggested we take him in. It turns out he had a closed break on his first metatarsal and a small break on his second. So it's not his toe, it's the bone going down his foot. I am thankful the nurses there did not roll their eyes at me for not taking him in earlier. I think they really did understand, unless they rolled them when I left !(:

At the Urgent Care centre they are not set up for casting. So they immobilized it with a fibre glass splinty thing and we had to go in the next morning to the pediatric orthopedic clinic at the Children's Hospital downtown. So we were carrying the boy everywhere and every time he put his arms around me he would sing a song about being close to me. I loved it. I do also have to say that he did quite enjoy watching every one tidy up, do dishes, sort wash and vacuum on Tuesday and Wednesday. He didn't have to do a thing and it suited him just fine! (:

So this is kind of a mini cast. It was very hard. I had a picture of him sitting normally, but they weren't quite decent! The kids told him to act like it was a horrible travesty here. This is the best he could do! hehe! (:

One of the kids got the sticker off of Grace's bike that says, DO NOT STAND. Quite appropriate! (:

The next morning, we went into a hospital that looks like a hotel. I know hospitals and this didn't look like one. I have heard Americans talk about their hospitals, but truthfully I thought they were making it up. Nope, they're not. It's beautiful. The service and care was incredible. I almost felt like I was being unfaithful to 'our' hospital by feeling such amazement. We did not have an appointment. We were a walk in and we were there for 1 hour. ONE. HOUR.  That is insane! I didn't even have to pay for parking, they validated my parking slippy for me. For real!

Siah did not end up getting a cast. He was able to get by with a walking boot. WE ARE SO THANKFUL. It makes a big difference for our little man. I just have to make sure he is careful. He is so thankful to be mobile again. The doc said he is only allowed to walk on it. No jumping, hopping, skipping or wiggling. Just walking. I had to explain to him yesterday that if he is not careful he could hurt his foot more and it would have to be put in a cast. That has slowed him down considerably. He even asks now when he is a certain position if it's OK. (:

Here is his boot. He was super excited on Thursday because he didn't have a cast. He is so excited he is posing like a medal winner.  By evening he was exhausted from being hyper and sore. Crazy guy. Grace was pretty interested in the whole thing. At one point she came and sat on the couch with me and put her head on the arm rest and her feet in my lap and told me, "Feet hurt. Need boot too." It made me laugh.

We had a serious conversation on Tuesday with the kids. I waited a day so I didn't yell at them or cry. On Monday night I cried my eyes out at what could have been. But there was part of me that wanted to yell really loud at them all. It's a fear thing. I told them how serious it could have been. So my kids learned a lesson the hard way this week, but we are thankful it was with minimum impact. Siah could have fallen when his coat got stuck and he could have been run over. If his coat didn't get stuck and he didn't get turned around the way he did, his ankle could have been hit and that would have been a way worse injury.  

Siah wears his running shoe on the other foot, so it's not quite so uneven. His hips and back will get sore because of the height difference. I thought this was super cute. The kids were resting watching Mickey Mouse together. They melt me really.

A broken foot in the big scheme of things is so small and we aren't dwelling on it. But we have seen again how the Lord protects and provides even in the small things. Every detail of Monday night was in God's hands and He was so merciful to us. Thank you Lord!


  1. Nothing is more haunting than the sounds your babies make when they get hurt. I am sure you will always remember that feeling long after it quits shaking you. Don't beat yourself up about not taking him immediately. Feet are weird. You can break them just walking. The tough part is sleeping in a cast.

    Clyde Kurt @ US Health Works - Stockton (West)


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