On the road again....

(Written yesterday morning-ish)
We are on the road now just coming up to the border as we drive home from a great week in Ontario. Our drives usually go quite well. The kids are getting older and are used to it now. I love that even Grace is starting to know the drive.  Once we get in the Sarnia area, she starts asking if we are going over the big bridge. She loves the bridge.

We really enjoy being in St Thomas with all of our family. We always leave with mixed emotions. We are ready for our own house and routine, but we love being with all of our people. Every single time though, I regret not being able to visit everyone I want to visit. We give our family first priority, but once our family is visited, there is not much time left over. We don't even hit all the brothers and sisters. I could fill 3 days of solid visiting with non family people. Maybe when we go back for a week in June, while Ken is in meetings, I think I will try to set 2 days aside and just visit. (:

We are through the border. The border guy called me the 'missus'. It made me laugh. It's like calling me 'the wife'. Honestly though, I would be fine if he called me crazy lady, as long as he doesn't make us pull over! (: It took 20 minutes and the border guy opened our trunk to look at our rice. I am surprised everything didn't fall out. We are loaded to the brim. I should have taken a picture. We have a Thule bag on the top, which is normal. But we also put our big suitcase and a GT on the top of the van. Haha! We look ridiculous! We almost need a little trailer and I have been packing light. (O:

Since our travel insurance doesn't cover a follow up appointment for Josiah, we got an Xray done on his foot through our family doc. It's a blessing that he is so willing to work with us! Before we left for home, I stopped in at the office to get the report and it says his foot is not healed. But the Doc said that if Siah can walk on it without pain to go ahead, but if he is limping to put the boot back on and to go for an Xray at home in 2 weeks. Hmmm...that doesn't make me feel confident. I love my doc and trust him. The man delivered me! We have a history! (: I was hoping for a clear cut answer - It's healed or it's not. I don't do well with gray. I am not excited that we need to do another appointment in the GR either.  It's expensive. This morning he tried to walk on it and there was no pain and no limp. As of this moment, he has his boot on. I will talk to my few contacts I have in GR for advice when we are settled  back in! (:

When we come to St Thomas, many people ask first how Micah is doing. I appreciate that they  remember Micah and still pray for him and love our family in that way. I tell them how well he is doing and after a week of doing this I find that I am filled with thankfulness for how God has dealt with us. I was visiting dear friends this week and was told how evident it is to him that God used the darkness we experienced to grow and  prepare us for where we are now. I have thought about it a lot in the last few days. I know that fact is so true;  I could write 3 pages on all the different ways it changed us and how much we learned.  But I have never consciously thought that if Micah's story would have ended differently, God still would have accomplished what He wanted to. The Lord dealt so kindly with us. That facts and feelings never change. Every single day I thank the Lord for what he has done. But the more I am able to step back from events, the more clearly I am able to see.  What I see is beautiful.

This past month, Ken and I were surprised to realized that we missed Micah's relapse day. Once we realized it, it brought tears. Both happy and sad. It made us remember for a moment. The ache is very real. But it also made me so thrilled and thankful that those things aren't so close to the surface anymore. I have said many times that we are moving on. But the distance in which are are moving is something far past my expectations. Another blessing.

One more..... On the 7th of January, Micah turns 12.  That sentence needs no more explanation. I am so excited. I remember the beauty of him turning -  6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. But 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I could insert a giggle, a squeal, a few tears or a giant happy face here, I would! (;  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!


  1. I just love your posts Belinda. We have such an awsome God.


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