Just a hello.

Life is flying by. We have been in GR for 1 year and 3 months. A few of my kids are starting to have the Michigan vowel sounds. I hear it in their i's,a's and o's especially. It makes me smile. I surprise myself every now and then with a good American sounding "Grace". It just falls out. It's easy to pick it up. Nads actually said, "Where they at?" yesterday and it made me laugh. We hear that all the time here. But I think it`s not so much a mid-west thing, it's more like the slang that we hear at the grocery store. We have a lot of dialects here. It's interesting.

Ken is doing well in school. His life is very full, but we are blessed to see the Lord's guiding hand and we have confirmation that we are where He wants us. We have much peace.

We are so thankful for Micah`s health. The fact that he is outside right now rollerblading and playing hockey thrills me. I don`t often forget where we are and how we got here. Micah is healthy. He has started to struggle with colds already this year though and has been using his puffer to help. The last few years haven't been that bad. But this one might be tougher. He is coughing a lot. He had a winter like this after his surgery. His lungs were pretty week. I find it hard listening to him cough. As assured as I am that he is healthy, it`s easy for my mind to go other places. I need to keep talking and reminding myself that his scan showed health. His body looks healthy. His color looks relatively healthy. He is acting healthy. He is fine. His lungs just aren`t what mine are that is to be expected.

Just so you know..... It's 9am and I am BLOGGING! (I wrote this on Wednesday. (: ) It's very fun. My fingers have been itching to blog. I have TONS of pictures to share, but just haven't had the time. We are starting a week off of school. It's unorthodox to have a week off in October and to start a week off on a Wednesday. In the last few weeks, I have been thinking about doing 6 weeks on, 1 week off. Since we started early this year and did some work during the summer, we will still be done on May 30th. We are starting our week off today instead of next Monday because it's World Series time and the final game may be tonight or tomorrow and the games don`t start until 8.GO BOSTON. lol Then the kids can stay up as long as they want and sleep as long as they want.  It's kind of exciting (the game and the days off). I am so thankful for these five days of school off. Mama needs it! (:

I have wanted to write a blog post about this, and I will. It's a little personal and feels awkward, but I still want to share.  I have lost 63 pounds since March. It is crazy and I am super-crazy-excited and thankful. Sometimes it's hard to believe. I have some more to go, but it sure does feel amaaazing! (: The beauty of it is that I am living a lifestyle that is sustainable. It`s not a diet or a passing thing. It`s called Trim Healthy Mama. I know people who are thin that eat like this and people who need to lose tons of weight who do it. It`s just a healthy way of eating. I don`t eat sugar, wheat or white stuff (white rice, potatoes etc) and  enjoy healthy fats. I still do eat carbs. It's not an Atkins thing. It`s yummy! You don`t need to eat carrots and lettuce all day! (:

I have also hesitated to share, because I don't want to appear pushy or bandwagon-ish. Honestly, I don't think you need to eat like this to be healthy! (:  I am just  passionate about it because it has changed my life. It has been a wonderful tool for me and has given me great freedom. I am at peace because I am treating my body in a God honoring way. For real. It's amazing. Here is a  LINK to the book. Even though it called TH Mama, but don`t be fooled, men do it too. I think they should change the name.(:  If you are interested in the book, my sister orders books by the box and sells them for the wholesale price. It`s a cheaper way to get it. (:

Sorry about the boring post. This is just my life right now. For us boring means uneventful, healthy and just plain peaceful and I am OK with that! (:


  1. Not boring :-) Always nice to see how your worries are greatly reduced !!! So often we forget to give thanks when things go better.

  2. I am very eager to see some before and after shots!! 63 pounds, wow!!
    I too am a busy mom of many, and need to lose at least that much also:(
    very interested in learning more about THM. Where do I get this book in Ontario?
    Keep up the good work!!!

    1. Hi! (: Do you want to email me? belindapennings@live.com

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss!! And Trim Healthy Mama is coming up in everything I am reading lately. A hint for me maybe?! I don't really need to lose weight, but I could definitely clean up my diet. Same question as "anonymous", where do I get THM in Ontario? Looking forward to seeing pictures of you and your family, once you have time to post :o)

  4. Trim Healthy Mama is a wonderful book! :) I've been changing the way I eat since starting it.


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