Major Picture Plunk #1.... (:

I take pictures every day. I like pictures. They make me smile. I am so bad at putting them somewhere and organizing them. They are all on my computer kinda in order, but not well organized. Some time I have to dig in! (: It helps to post my faves here, so I am documenting something of my kids.

Here is my new fave of the kids. I love these kids, dirty feet and all. (: This was taken after we played a family game of baseball on the field behind our house at the school. I finally have started playing baseball again with them . I got a new glove a few years ago and finally wore it in this year.

Our family in gloves. Ken is top left and then it goes around the circle clock wise in order of age! Grace just joined the club! (:

We have a field behind our house that we use for baseball and the kids also use it for running. They are doing a half marathon. They have to run twenty five miles on their own and they will run the last mile in a marathon setting with the numbers and everything downtown. So cool. The grass is way easier on their knees. The 4 big kids ran 13 miles last week and Siah ran 10. This week they haven't run at all. They needed a break! (:

Here is the field looking at our house. I know so boring, but I need to document. I don't want to forget! (:

This is what we see from our top upstairs deck and where the band practices! (:

 Here is down the field. The sun was brutal that day, but this one kind of turned out neat. Grace often gets bored while we play. She jumps from dirt hole to dirt hole on this end of the field!

A game going... No matter how busy Ken is, he always takes time to play with the kids. The kids are I are so blessed to have to have him.

That gate was open a lot during the summer. Now it's closed because school has started. That parking lot beside our house is where the buses come in everyday.

Remember Grace's fun retro trike? Well I ran over it with the van. Actually I dragged it across the parking lot above. I cried. I loved that bike and so did she. So we found a replacement at Goodwill! (: It is her bike that she races on. Here she was telling me it was her race car and yet she is wearing a crown. She is a perfect mix of girlie and fun!

We did corn this year. We have tons of meals and they sure taste fresh. BUT it sure is a messy job.We did it twice, so this is only half our haul.

Grace loved sitting at the table eating it as the kids cut.

Everyone had their own job. We will be professionals next year! (:

Josh put a licence plate on Grace's bike. She loves it.

That's all for now! (:
