Catching Up......

June flew by in a crazy way! We were gone for at least 20 of the 30 days.

It was a great month.

It started out with a trip to Canada for Synod (church meetings) for Ken. During that time the kids and I stayed in St Thomas. It was the first time since we moved that we had a relaxed visit. We saw so many people and attended church 2 weeks in a row. In a strange way, we settled into our spot again there. I am thankful that up to that time, we hadn't had a visit like that. It made it very hard to leave. It reminded us all of what we had left behind. I am thankful though, that we have clear understanding of what God has put before us. Even though sometimes we miss family and friends, we see God's leading so clearly. He has given us a peace that does make it easier to move forward, instead of looking behind. God is so kind, even in the very small details.

Siah got glasses this month. It was too bad in a way for him to have to have glasses. But it suits him so well! Ken and I laughed when we got the verdict. It just had to be! (:

Ken's brother, Tim also got married at the end of June. He married a fabulous girl, Kim! He is the youngest and now everyone is married. We are entering a new phase. Now it's time for the nephews and nieces! (:

An uncle of hers owns an Inn. It is right on the lake and it's over 200 years old, I think. It was so beautiful. When I saw the view from our room, it actually made me cry. It was an oasis to me. The sounds of waves and open water touches me deep inside and is such a beautiful show of God's handiwork. This picture is where I read my book in the afternoon. (:

The whole Pennings family got to stay there. We stayed from Tuesday until Saturday. The reception was at the Inn. So it was fabulous for the kids. I got to put Grace to bed. We had spare clothes and a room for them to rest in in between the ceremony and reception. It was a blast to hang out with the whole family!! We usually camp together in the summer, but this was waaaaay better. It was like a giant sleep over. I love my big Pennings family. They are such a beautiful blessing! I think it was one of the nicest weddings I have ever been to! Tim and Kim are so in love and seeing a new little family being formed is special. I did a terrible job of taking pictures at the wedding. I will post some, when I get some! (:

The boys in the pool at the Inn.... Josh, Siah, then Micah.

Grace turned 3 on June fifteen. This picture was taken after her bath on her birthday morning! She is looking at her "wetters". Her one eye is slanty and the other round, just like me. It makes me smile! (:

Our summer is kind of over now and I am fine with that. Soooooo, we are starting school today. All the new books are on the shelves and are ready to go! I just need their Bible curriculum yet. We were done around the first week of May. Josh has been off for 6 weeks already. It's time to get back to routine. I will put Josh to work helping with the little kids and maybe doing some review himself. We all do better with a schedule!

Today is also the day I get serious about toilet training Grace. We have been working on it on and off in the last month, but we have been gone so much and that makes it hard. THIS. IS. IT. Last one! (:  Her bunny is also going away except for bed time. I am really going to do it this time! hehe! (:

I would recommend THIS BOOK if you are looking for a fun way to eat healthy! It takes a bit to get the hang of. The book seems expensive, so I would have never bought it, but my mom gave me one. I am so thankful she did. It's fabulous, I would have paid $100 for it after I read it. There are lots of recipes in it too! Go for it! (o:

Micah has a scan on September 10. March feels like a year ago and I am wanting September to come quickly. I really want to get a look inside of him. In the last week, for me, it has been a bit of a challenge to be patient. There are no concerns, it's just the insecurity that I struggle with a times, thinking about Micah's health. Sometimes the possibilities hurt more than other times.

Ken turned 40 on June 11th. This is a picture of the kids giving him their cards. Josh was in Canada working with my dad on Ken's birthday.

Yesterday, Dr Murray was installed in our church as our Pastor. We are so thankful. It truly fills us with joy. Pastor Al Martin, used an illustration as he was speaking after the installation. He explained that the Lord has chosen Dr M for us at this time. He told us to picture a nail pierced hand giving us Dr Murray as our Pastor and shepherd. I wish I could explain it better. I didn't do it justice, but the picture is beautiful and it reminded me of God's sovereignty, grace and mercy and how He showers us with blessings that we don't deserve.  God has truly given us a gift.

Please don't forget to pray for your Pastor. It's important.

Look at how big my boy is.

I love this picture. The kids sang this song in choir this past spring and it has stuck in my head ever since. If he takes care of the sparrow, He will surely take care of me. He will never leave me.  What a beautiful picture that gives us of God's care for us.

So, we "celebrated" our first 4rth of July. The parade was outstanding and the fireworks were fabulous. But I was so frustrated with all the neighbourhood fireworks, days before and days after. I get celebrating. It's a great country and a fun time. I am starting to really understand their patriotism. To be honest we used make fun of them. But they are not crazy. We can learn something from them. But people!!!! These fireworks were full size. Sometimes we had 3 displays going on at once on every side of our house. One night it was from 9pm-1am. It wasn't even July 4rth.  It was insane. It made me crazy and slightly irrational. I did feel better though when Doug came to cut our grass. He lives a few streets down and couldn't believe how many fireworks were going on. He said a few times that he was jolted out of bed after midnight. He said he felt like he was living in a war zone. So, I don't feel so bad. I wasn't over reacting! (:

I have some pictures of the parade and my kids waving american flags, but they are on my friends camera. Next time.

Nice chatting! (:


  1. Here, in Canada, we also get fireworks and stock cars, for every holiday, for days! Just the noisy, Big bang firecrackers. Drives me insane! I don't remember it being like that where we lived in the states for 30 years. funny about that, eh? Thanks for the lovely pictures, and always your posts are inspiring. God bless as you continue on in the "task" of becoming a ministry family.

  2. The littles that I live with love to sing that song, too! DD, the youngest, gets a huge smile on his face, and sings quietly at the beginning but gets louder and finishes with "Yaaaaay" ;) So cute to hear them sing "SPA--RRoooooW" :)


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