Just a little chat....

I think this is the first time since I starting blogging that I have gone a month without posting. It's just a season, but I kind of miss it. I write things down all the time, but they never make it here. I have scraps of paper in my purse that are filled with paragraphs written while waiting for Josh after baseball practice. I have pads of paper by my bed and little scraps on the school shelves.....My mind is always whirling! (:

Our big news is that Ken is done school. I can't believe how quickly this year has passed. In a way it feels like just a few months ago that we stood in our driveway for the last time. But yet it also feels like years ago. It's a strange feeling.

We are praising God that He blessed Ken's year. Ken learned so much and his desire and love for the ministry has grown tremendously. Ken plans to do school work this summer. But we are sure looking forward to the slower pace. It makes me giggle. (:

The last few weeks have been tough emotionally. There seems to be so much pain. Someone once called it sorrow overload. Husbands/fathers/grandfathers are dying of cancer.  A husband and father has been taken away by strange men, that are by the looks of it, simply after his truck. Babies are being killed every single day, even after being born alive. It's murder, but it seems to be acceptable. Woman are being held for 10 years. They are raped and used by men. (These women have been found alive. Praise God!) A gas station attendant was taken 2 weeks ago and they can't find her. Children are dying from cancer. I could keep going... There is always sin and sadness in this world. But right now, it's overwhelming to me. I pray that the Lord will come quickly.

A little bit ago, Grace asked Micah to dance with her. He was working on his school and was very busy. But he gladly left it. She gives him so much joy. He truly delights in every hug and kiss from her. Micah's heart is soft and Grace is so sweet. He loves her with a beautiful love, even though she still calls him Josh. I can't wait until she calls him Micah. I know how much he would appreciate it.

Seeing Micah and Grace's interaction brought tears to my eyes. I thought about the fact that God gave us the desire of our hearts, not only in giving us Micah's life, but in the small things too. I cried for months when I was expecting Grace, not just because we didn't think we would get to keep Micah, but because Grace would never know him. I grieved deeply.  Now here we have a healthy Micah and an almost 3 year old Grace playing together. I think often of what the Lord has given us, but rarely in this context. What a gift!

The kids are fully into baseball. Josh plays for his school team and the kids play little league. We were so excited to see how inexpensive baseball is here. The 3 kids are playing little league for the price of 1 child in Canada. We didn't think baseball was an option for the next 4 years.. We are thankful. It's good for kids to play sports in general. But since they are homeschooled, we like to make extra efforts for them to play. It's also fun that Natalie is on an all girls team for the first time. It's soft ball, not hard ball! She has always played with the boys and held her own, but she always felt like she had to prove herself! It's crazy busy with 4 kids playing baseball. It's rare to have a night at home. At times we have all 4 playing on one day. With one vehicle it's a challenge, but everyone plays quite close to our house and Josh is bused to away games. It works. I am thankful Ken is done. He can take over some of the games. I find I usually do my work in the the evenings and it's not getting done! (:  I also like to know: Who's idea was it to have white baseball pants? (O:

Nads didn't  have her uniform yet! 

Siah ready for his first practice. He has been waiting years for this! (: 

I think I completely missed blogging our birthday month. April is a big one!  Josh is now 15, Natalie is 9 and Siah is 7. My kid's birthdays make me moooshy gooshy. For me a birthday celebrates another year lived for my kids, but I also remember their actual birth day. Throughout the day, I think about what I was doing and where I was the day of their birth. If you want to hear me talk, just ask me about the birth of my children. I could talk for hours. For real.

I remember how surreal it felt to hold my first baby 15 years ago. I think about how we had to call the nurse in because Micah was ready to be born, how the doctor missed it and that some person walking down the hall helped with the birth. I remember how I kissed my first girlie, 9 years ago and melted. I remember how the midwives were screaming at me to push Siah out because his heart rate was so low and how he came out blue. I remember the beauty of  Ken and I holding Grace, praising God for His sustaining grace in so many ways during my pregnancy. There are just so many memories. They are mostly all beautiful. Carrying babies and giving birth is something that I never took for granted. My pregnancies were amazing and my births, all hard and quick. Quick is good! I strangely love labor. I think it's something I may even long for when I am 80. (o: But lately these birthdays are making me feel old.  I have a 15 year old. What? I was just under fifteen when I first noticed Ken. That is nuts! My littlest boy is turning 7. That is way bigger than 6. Time is flying! (:  Before you know it, I will be 40!

I have sooo many pictures I would like to post. But I will just leave you with my new favorites! (:

This was at Meijer Gardens.

Grace and I getting ready to go for our walk. You can tell I am talking! I was telling her to look at the camera! hehe! (:


  1. Great post, Belinda! Nice to catch up with you!

  2. The Tim Bosma tragedy is so devastating. We are praying for his wife and family in this time of grieving. Our prayers are sometimes answered in such mysterious ways!

  3. How blessed that even through all the turmoil and pain in the world we experience such God-given joy! Your family looks wonderful, and you look radiant, Belinda. Congratulations to Ken on his first year being done. Always knew you would end up in the ministry.
    Thea Heyink
    Binbrook ON


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