Scan News

Usually when we get news, I make the calls to family, then jump on facebook and my blog to let everyone know. I did facebook, but I actually have a post swirling in my mind with lots of words and thoughts, that I was hoping to put down in the same post, but I haven't been able to get it down. (Maybe next week! (: ) Now it's been 3 days since we got results!

Micah's scan came back clear.

God is so gracious, merciful and kind. We praise Him!

As of this past Monday, Micah has been cancer free for 3 years. His lung surgery was on March 25, 2010. On one hand it seems like a life time ago. On the other, it could have been yesterday.

God has blessed us more than we could have possibly ever imagined. His gift is so precious.

Please thank the Lord with us!
