
Thank you so much for your all of your love and prayers in the last few days. 

We are home. We surprised Ken and Josh and showed up 24 hours earlier than expected! (:

Micah's scan and check up are done. The scan was a little rough. The IV poke was extra rough. The scan was an hour and a half instead of forty-five-ish minutes. A lot of the time he just laid there without the machine going. He was clausterphobic and hot. It made him cry. It was frustrating. We are thankful it's done.

I was frustrated until I sat in PMDU, in the waiting room, with the little bald kids and watched moms rock their babies, who were attached to feeding pumps.

 How quickly we forget our blessings and choose not to be thankful in all things. Thank you Lord for perspective. 

The doc says he looks good. 

I agree.

She said we are going to do 2 more scans 6 months apart (assuming this one is clear). So that would be one in Sept and one in March or April. Then we may go to a year. That is HUGE!

She reminded me that 2 weeks from today it will be 3 years since Micah's surgery. Praise God. 

Now we are waiting for results. 

Please pray with us that Micah's MRI will show him to be a healthy little man. 

I am so thankful that we serve a mighty, faithful and sovereign God.

In Christ Alone,

