Xray results.

We are so very thankful that Micah's xray came back clear. It's been a bit of a hard wait as we listen to Micah work through his chest cold. It has kept us on our knees for sure.

As time goes by and with every clear scan, we grow more thankful for the mercy the Lord has shown us. I just talked with Micah's oncologist and asked her what she is thinking in regards to scans and Micah's future. I don't often quote our dear doctors, but she said that Micah should have relapsed already and that so far he has beaten the odds. Even as we give thanks for clear results, sometimes it's hard not to let my mind rest on the facts or statistics. I have to keep in focus that God has been and will continue to be the author of Micah's story. What a beautiful comfort that is as well as the fact that God is always faithful. Always.

In the last weeks we have watched dear families struggle with their little boys and our hearts have ached with them.  One little guy, had major surgery today and the other yesterday. Both surgeries went well, but no matter how well it goes and even knowing we serve a sovereign God it is such a hard process. It's never easy on your heart to leave your child in an operating room. We continue to pray for these families as their boys heal and as they each continue to live with their own challenges.

Both of these families have been such an example to me in how they are living out their faith and trusting in the Lord. What a beautiful testimony they are.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.
                                 Lamentations 3:22-24 (ESV)    
