Micah's 11 years in 12 pictures and a few sentences!

This boy, named Micah Peter, came screaming into the world on January 7, 2002 at 12:07 pm. He was the hairiest little Eskimo boy that I had ever seen! I think we could braid his back hair! Just so you know! (O:

6 Month-ish

(I have so many pictures in between here, but they are not scanning in nicely. Bummer.)

 Ha! This is how I remember my little crazy man! He is even foaming at the mouth! (o; Look at these little guys. Just for the record, this was the hardest camping trip of our lives! Hehe! I think the kids were this dirty the whole time. We look at these pics and always laugh so hard. Too bad it didn't scan in a little better! He is  two and a half-ish here! (o:

2007 - Five and a half and probably one of my most special pictures. This was a few month before cancer.

Summer of 2008. Micah is 6 years old and in the middle of radiation and in hospital for shingles. He was so tired. You can see the shingles by his tiger and his radiation burn on his abdomen underneath the tape from his port. That was a hard time for Micah.  

Spring of 2009. He was just starting to come off of the steroids, was done chemo and was cancer free!!!!
 7 years old. 

 Summer of 2009. Still 7! Nads and Micah are such a sweet pair!They are at the hospital just outside the Art Therapy room. He is off of steroids here and was just starting to look like himself again! It was an exciting time! (o; (A few months before relapse.) 

May 2010. Micah is 8 years old here at my sister's wedding. It was a few months after his lung surgery and we were a month away from meeting Grace! The time between these two pictures, doesn`t even seem real. It was the most difficult year of our lives. Micah suffered physically and emotionally. He and I talked about things that would just make your heart ache. It is beautiful though, to see how God used the time of relapse in his life. He sure grew up in the year between 7 and 8. 

Summer of 2011. He is fully recovered from 2010. The intensity was back! (o; I love these! 9 years old. 

Almost 10 here!

Today. 11 years old. 

I thought I would have tons of words to say! I don't.  My heart is overflowing with thankfulness for who Micah is, and for the fact that the Lord has blessed him with 11 years.

Thank you Lord for your beautiful gift of life!


  1. Happy Birthday to Micah! Even though we've never met, we know you're story and have prayed for you in the past. Today we're thanking the Lord for blessing you with another year of life! HE is GOOD!

  2. Happy Birthday Micah!! We also don't know you, but I have read your blog for a number of years, and now I have become friends with your sister Tori, so I feel like I somewhat know you:) We have kids very similar in age as well:) Anyways, so glad the Lord has given Micah another year! What a testimony he has of God's goodness:) Keep blogging....I love your blog:)


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