In the new year, many people say, "Blessings in the New Year", or "Happy New Year!". I always smile and wish them the same. I really do mean it, but normally, I am not a "January" new year person. Our new year is when school starts. Since I was in kindergarten, there has only been 8 months in my life that I didn't live by the school calendar. From five years old to 17 years old, I was in school. Then I went by Ken's University calendar. The 8 months came between the time Ken graduated (and married me a month later (o; ) and got his first teaching position. 

But this year I actually sat and thought about this coming year and the Lord willing there will be many milestones.

Micah turned 11. 
Natalie will be 9.
Josh will be fifteen.
Josiah will be 7
Grace will be 3. 
Ken will be 40. Craziness!  
I will be 37 and have grey hair and wrinkles to show for it! (O:
We will be married for 16 years. 
In August, Ken will have been my boyfriend for 20 years. So fun!
March 2fifth, Micah will reach 3 years being cancer free. 
In November, it will be 6 years since Micah was diagnosed.
 In December it will be 4 years since Micah relapsed. 
Josh will be finished his first year of highschool. This is the last year that he won't be able to drive! WOW!
Ken will be done his first year of seminary. Beautiful! 

Time is going so quickly and the Lord has been very kind.  

While birthdays, anniversaries and milestones are good and exciting, I am praying that this year, we will grow in grace, that we will learn to trust Him more, delve deeply into His Word, teach our kids about who He is and give more grace. I am excited to see what God will do in our lives this year! (o:
