Hmmm,.... No title.

I feel like I have not blogged in a long time. I used to write everyday on my blog. Sometimes it got published, sometimes it didn't. I would have words chasing me around all day that had to get out. Sometimes it annoyed me, but now that they are gone, I kind of miss them! I love writing. It sounds strange, but to me the feeling of sitting down to write something is the equivalent of sitting down with a good book in a quiet house with a tea and blanket! It's comfy and cozy!

I am beginning to realize that a lot of the reason I wrote, stemmed from Micah and the feelings and discoveries we made a long the way. Some of it was deep pain, other times it was extreme joy. When life is just moving along in normal sort of way, I don't have much to say! So, I am thinking it's a good sign that my thoughts are silent. (o:

We are counting down the days until Christmas break. I am really missing family and friends from St Th. lately. At this moment, our Pennings family is having a big birthday party. We would sooooo like to be there. I can just hear the laughing, debating and game playing from here. (Although, maybe there is less debating now that Ken is gone! hehe!)

So here are some pics from the last week or so! I love my cuties!

Grace has a new pass time. She spends at least 40 minutes a day now, standing at the sink. She usually gets quite wet, but I will take it. (o; I love her big girl hair in a pony, just after she gets out of the bath. It doesn't stay very well when it's dry.

Natalie goes to Gems at the church across the street from us. This past Monday night, we had a mother/daughter night. She had made that tree for me at the last meeting. While we were there, we decorated those cookies and the plate. We had a great time. I should do more with her one on one. She would really love that!

Here Josiah is giving Natalie a pop spelling test from his book. When she got one wrong, he would say, "Good try, let's try again!" or "Well done!".  It was really cute! Maybe we have teacher in the making!

Grace watching something on an ipod, standing on the couch. She is weird!

Nobody probably cares, but I got a new hutch from a friend. It is PERRRRFECT! I am not a fancy dishes or nickety nackety person. It houses some of my school books quite nicely. It makes me smile in a huge way! Now I need a bigger clock though. It looks kind of funny all small on the one side! (o:

Grace and Nads have not been feeling well lately. They are so tired. I can't put my finger on it. I have found Grace sleeping around the house lately.

She  loves Kashi cereal mixed with cherios. A little sweetness in the cherios takes the horse feed taste from the Kashi. I like it because it is so high in protein! I always loved it in Canada. But it was sooo expensive. I can get all the different kinds at Big Lots, from between 2.20-2.80. Wowsa, that is cheap! (O: Just a note about the bib. If you are looking for good quality bibs......I bought a set of 3 bibs from Costco, when Micah was under a year. He is 3 weeks away from being 11. These bibs have been bleached or washed in a hot cycle for years and are in fabulous shape. I know she is wearing boy colors, but I can't get rid of them, they work so well. So Micah, Nads, Siah and now Grace are wearing then. Talk about value!

Micah is working on collecting the "state" coins. He has about 30. American friends, if you see the ones we are missing, we will trade quarters with you! (O:

I think Ken's Hebrew Bible is pretty. It reads right to left, so the back is the front. Cool.

She has started already. Look at how red her face is! She can actually lift our 10lb medicine ball over her head! (O;

I am just saying.... You should get this tea. It's a delight. It's my favourite of all time. I just wish it was herbal!

That's all for now! (o:


  1. AMAZing job on those're kids are all beautiful!
    Just a suggestion for your wall beside your new hutch...which by the way is gorgeous and yes I DO care!...why not put that massive picture frame with small pics on that wall-the one that is leaning against your new hutch...just a thought!
    Enjoy your family time as the holiday season approaches, wishing you safe travels and God's Blessing for 2013.
    P.S. We don't know each other...You've never met me, I've never met you...but I have been reading your blog for years! It's a beautiful example of the ups and downs of life...and seeing God's care and love through it all is as beautiful as seeing pics of your photogenic children!

    1. I love hearing from people I don't know. Thanks for commenting! I think it's so neat how God brings us all together to walk through this life! (o;

      Your suggestions is a good one. I had the big frame up where the hutch was. I tried it on the other side, but it is too big for that space. That side of the window is narrower! I am not a picky person, but the frame is kind of cheap (she whispers (o: ) and with my pretty hutch is looks really plasticy! Sounds crazy, but true! (O:

  2. Dear Belinda and Ken, I came across your blog, it brought tears to my eyes reading about the goodness of our Lord. Thank you for sharing and have a very blessed Christmas.I feel blessed to have another Christmas with my family.
    God bless you


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