We are so blessed! Surgery went well.

We are home and were unpacked in 20 minutes. We are tiiiiiirrrrreeeed. It's been a long few days, and it's amazing to be home! The more we leave our home, the more I see that I am a homebody. I love home so much, that I giggled when I walked in. I am also learning that home is where we make it. (o: I had an odd moment at the hospital yesterday. Someone asked me if we are from out of town. I said, "Yes, well, no, I guess....." We don't feel like we belong in St Thomas, we aren't from Grand Rapids. We are from St Thomas, but live in Grand Rapids. Do you know? She must have thought I was a little nuts!

This is the post that I wrote last night....

First, I have to say that my heart is so heavy for our dear friends, Scott and Jen. They have been blessed with twins. A girl and a boy. Their little boy, Owen has had some challenges with his health.  Here is today's facebook status from Jen:

We received devastating news last night. Owen's MRI showed massive and extensive damage to his brain...all caused by the infection he had before his bowel surgery. The neurologist told us Owen will be wheelchair bound, will not have use of his arms, legs, hands, and also will have intellectual difficulties. We are shocked and overwhelmed and so very sad... We are clinging to a sovereign God. Please please pray for us.

Please pray for this family and their 3 kids as well as their extended families.Their burden is heavy, but our Lord is always faithful to His promises.... His grace is sufficient. Always.

While we were sitting in the waiting room, a lady was talking with a surgeon 3 feet away and I couldn't help but hear. Her husband has cancer and just had surgery. After they were done talking, she was all alone and was pacing the halls crying. I went to her and asked if I could get her a coffee or if she wanted to sit down and chat. She needed space and I understand, so I just rubbed her back and gave her that space. I would have done the same thing if a stranger offered comfort. I wanted to show her love so much. I longed to pray with her. So instead I prayed for her, while watching her pace. I have been thinking about her. I was aching for her then and I am aching for her now. I am praying she knows the Lord.  I know you can't pray for the whole world, but if you think of this dear lady, please pray for her.

Right now our little family is so content and thankful. The kids had fun today with our dear friend Kim, but Josh said when he got back to my parents, "I feel better that we are back together!" I agree. Something happened today here.

I told you in my last post that our family was struggling. We were, and today was hard at times as we fought our memories.  Micah had tears. No matter how small the surgery, it's still hard for a little guy. It was also so emotional for Ken to leave our little boy on the table, even knowing he is in the Lord's hands and that our people are so incredibly capable.

But as we went through our day, we were struck with such thankfulness that brought tears to our eyes more than once.
  • Our boy is 10, almost 11 and healthy. E-LEVEN! 
  • We were reminded of his age when I realized it was the first time he was going to the OR without a stuffed animal. He is big and that is amazing.
  • We have a wonderful surgeon who genuinely cares for us
  • Ken was able to go into the OR with Micah. All we had to do was ask kindly. 
  • Our Child Life specialist, who helped us all through diagnosis, initial tests and first time treatment, took time to come see us and went into the OR with Ken and Micah. She is a dear friend.
  • God has provided us with a beautiful family in Christ that is even expanding since we have moved. 
  • Micah came out of his anesthetic beautifully. I could tell by the tracks on his cheeks when we got to recovery that he had a few tears. But as soon as I arranged his blanket, rubbed his head and put some beautiful music in his ears, he was comfy. Within half an hour, he was sucking on a green popsicle. Within in another hour and a half we were in the van on the way back to my parents. That has never happened before.
  • I don't know how to explain this one... God used our hurt and sadness for others to take the focus off of ourselves.
  • The old waiting room is being torn down and made into new operating rooms. We didn't have to sit in those chairs that I was dreading or stand in that hallway that hurts me. We didn't even recognize the place. 
  • I took joy in the fact that we kept getting lost in the new parts of the hospital. When we spent our lives there, we knew our way around the hospital like it was our home and it's a BIG place! We could take the back way, the direct way and the upside way to get places and always know where we were.   The fact that we had no idea where we were going was beautiful. It sounds strange, but to us it's a blessing.
  • Over and over we had to tell the story of Micah's cancer. We had to talk to the intake nurse lady, the anesthetic guy, the intern and we talked with Deborah (Child Life).  Every time I told the person that we are so thankful to be here having this surgery and that it is truly a miracle, it helped put things in proper perspective. It made our day more beautiful than hard. 
  • Our heavenly Father upheld us in every way today. 

I could go on and on. We are just so thankful, but I am too tired.  

Thank you for continuing to walk this road with us. 


  1. Wow, Belinda you are one great writer! I am thankful with you for a healthy child!
    Get some rest and continue to embrace your beautiful family. They are truly a gift from God! Sending you love, Siska

  2. I am blown away at all the blessings!!!! God is so, so kind to give you/us the desires of our hearts in so many way!!! SO thankful that Ken could go into the OR (a direct answer to prayer. So thankful that God didn't just take the burden of memories but gave you new surroundings!!!!-what!??!?! :O) :O) awesome!! My heart is full for you!!!

  3. Reading this brings tears to my eyes. God is SOO good. SOOO faithful!!! Praising the Lord on your behalf.


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