Thanksgiving and life around here.

Thanksgiving is huge here. Josh gets 3 days off from school and Ken gets 2. We will take it. What a blessing for Josh to be home with us. Sometimes it feels like he doesn't live here with us. That's not bad, it's just not what we are used to. He loves school and I love that he is in school, but sometimes we miss him home and he misses home!  Ken is also thankful to have some time to work on his papers. We have been invited  somewhere for Thanksgiving dinner today and it will really be a fun time of fellowship. They are a great family!

Thankgiving has always been over rated to me. My thoughts are that it is like Valentines Day. It is something that we need to live all the time. Ken and I don't need a special day to show each other the love, faithfulness and commitment we have for each other. I would prefer to be shown and show this on January 1, 2, 3, 4, ..... and maybe in a special way on Feb 1.... (o; . We should also be constantly in a state of thanksgiving, first for what Jesus did for us on the cross and secondly for all the blessings He has given us. We don't deserve anything, yet He has given us everything.

So that is just my two cents! (o;

Here are some pictures

Oh man... This picture of the girls, makes me into a bit of puddle! 

This year we did two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  We paid the shipping online, so our boxes have bar codes and we will get an email when our boxes get to their destination and what country it is! So fun! The kids helped pick out and paid for some of the stuff. It was a great opportunity to give.

Everyone helps around here. Siah's new job lately has been to spot clean the kitchen floor with vinegar and water. He is so cute and is learning to work better. It's a process! (o:

I took so many pictures trying to get a good one of Grace and her stuff! He doll, bunny and purse are kind of an extension. I love it. This is the best one I could get!

Natalie and Micah had a dog for 8 hours. We found Halo wondering around our house. We called the owners all day. They finally called around supper time. They were thankful. The dog was very well behaved and very well trained. My kids were sad to see him go!

Ethan and Dee Dee came for a night and had some fun with our kids. Really how cute is Ethan? (o:

Rolling cookie dough...

Our yard work gets done for us. It's part of the package. Hehe, I know right! Our house is a parsonage, so the guy who does the church does our house too. Our yard isn't big, so it doesn't take long. Doug does a fabulous job. He owns his own cutting business.  He also takes care of the maintenance of our house. He also is Micah's cadets counsellor. In a strange way he is a comfort to me.  I wouldn't hesitate to call him if we were in need of any kind of help. He is a blessing. Here Grace is watching him out the window do leaves.

Look at how tall the girl is. She is fresh out of the bath. I love clean kids! (O:

Have a great day, thanking the Lord for his mercy and grace!


  1. whoa. has grace ever changed! slow down! slow down! she sure is beautiful!

    loved all the pictures. thanks for the quick update!

    my kitchen floor is in need of some spot cleaning. i like the vinegar/water/child mix. I might implement it here :)


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