Results are in!

We have been waiting and waiting and this morning I got a call from our family Doc. I missed the call and I assumed it was to tell me that I got an appointment for myself. I didn't have a chance to listen to the message. I just listened to it now and she told me that she got Micah's scan results. She said everything is clear. I needed to hear the details, so I just called her and asked her to read it to me. I just needed to hear the exact words. Beautiful words.

I thought because it was taking so long that they were bothered about something and were looking into it, but the report must have been in for awhile if my family doc has it. As frustrating as that thought sounds to me, everything is in God's perfect time. Maybe He was reminding me to lean more fully on Him..

On the report they said that the spot in his abdomen appears to be normal bowel. That is just an amazing blessing!

We are more thankful than I could possibly put into words. I have no more words, just tears of joy.

Please praise the Lord with us that this little boy (2 months away from first diagnosis)

was given a gift from the Lord allowing him to grow into this big boy. God is so gracious and so kind. 
Praise HIM!

Thank you for your prayers during these last few weeks.


  1. Wonderful! Rejoicing with you and thanking God for this gift.

  2. You must be so relieved with the results. Thanking God with you that He has done marvelous in your lives. Praise Him.

  3. I'm so happy for you.

  4. so relieved and thankful with you!!!

  5. So thankful with you for this wonderful news!


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