A visit to Ontario and Micah's scan.

This past weekend, we went back to St Thomas for 3 reasons: Micah's scan, to visit family and because we needed to go over the border for our travel insurance.

The driving went well and the border was a delight both ways. On the way I expected it to be busy and we were giddy as we drove over the bridge and saw 4 cars at each booth. I seriously laughed with delight! It makes such a difference when there is not an hour wait!

The kids were thrilled to be back.  By 3pm on Saturday afternoon, we had left all the kids except Grace at various friend's houses. It was great for them to do some catching up. Something that keeps coming to mind is how Siah smiled at Kim at church. It was so wide and his eyes were shining. Sweetness.

Grace was shy to everyone and everything. She had a hard weekend. Everything was strange and we went a lot of places. She didn't sleep at night and was so over tired and unsettled. Poor little love. The only thing that was same for her was watching Treehouse, tucked into my parent's bed. She didn't forget that one. Hehe.

I have a much harder time going back. I do enjoy visiting and worshiping at our church, but it is easier to stay here and just live, not remembering things from the old country! I usually only have a few days a month that I seriously miss all my people. But going back, reminds me of the people, our church and all that I miss.

Micah's scan went well. We were in at about 7:40 am  and out at about 8:40. We had the same guy we usually have. We love him. He brings an element of comfort to the scan for Micah. Because he was so tired, holding his breath for 14, 20 and 30 second intervals was a challenge, but it seems he did it well enough not to make the scan longer. So we were thankful.  Micah had some tears on the way. He doesn't enjoy scans, but was also so tired, had a stuffed up nose, and was feeling down about leaving St T. later in the day. But once it was done he perked up a little. There was definetly (I don't know how to spell definetly. For real!) relief. He then went on to get his port flushed and had a doctor check up.

We didn't have our regular Doc, but one we still know quite well. We are thinking about moving scans to every six months, with a chest XRAY in between the six. When he said that, my heart was thankful and sad at the same time. It has been 2 years and 7 months since the surgery. It is time to start every 6 months, but we are all (docs included) still cautious about his lungs. So an XRAY in between is a blessing and it makes me thankful for that option . But on the flip side it makes my heart drop that they still feel that is necessary. Once we get the results back from this scan, our own Doc will make the final decision on scans.

We are hoping to get results by Friday. In the past I often found that we would just wait for the week to pass instead of living each day to the full. It is such a blessing that God has given us His sweet peace.

Please pray with us this week that the scan will come back clear and that regardless of the results we would rest in His hands.


  1. Simon was so looking forward to seeing Josh and had a great day Saturday! I hope they can stay friends for the time you are out of Ontario, and where ever you live! If it wasn't for the border, wouldn't it feel closer? ☺

  2. We will be praying for you as you wait over the next week for the results from his scans. I find the wait is so hard, but yet an oh so gentle reminder that we need to lean on Him for peace and strength.


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