Another day ... with pictures, needles and water.

Josh got 4 needles this morning at 8:15. I really do despise vaccines. I have done them all for my kids, but I always just took my time. Josh missed his 12 year old needles. In order for my boy to go to school, he needed to get them. Since we don't have a family Doctor, we went to the Health Unit. They were kind and I was thankful that we didn't have to pay the $200 it would have cost. They keep income in mind. Josh's arms are super sore. Poor guy.

Did you know they offer the HPV vaccine to boys?  I thought it was just a girl thing. We didn't get it. I am thankful they didn't push.

Here is a pic of the kids before we went to Michigan Adventure yesterday. We met Jen at her house. Dee Dee and Ethan didn't get to go, but they had to be in the picture too! (o: I think Naysi  (beside Josh) and Josh have the same eyes. But they both don't get it from the side that they are connected.( I can't figure out how to write that sentence.) (o:

Ethan was still smiling long after the picture. So he needed another one. 

These two rascals get along so well. 

I also went to a book sale this morning.. It was actually a garage sale with boxes and boxes of books. Most of them were home school books. I was giddy. I got books, maps and some math manipulatives for $17. Love love love love.

One more thing..... I laughed out loud with delight as we walked up to the beach at Grand Haven this afternoon. It was wavy, windy, cool and beautiful. The beach only had about 5 groups. Notice, that I said five like this: F-I-E-VE. K sound it out. The I and E are long. (They say their name.) First do it slow and then fast. That is Michigan speak. I am finding that I am slipping into their little nuances.  Maybe I am spending too much time with Jen! (O:

Anyways. The beach was picture perfect. To me that is an ideal date spot. I would love to go with Ken. We could spend time sitting/reading/chatting/walking./hiking etc. We could pack a cooler with fun stuff. We are not really sit on a hot beach full of people kind of people. But water is my thing - The sounds, the feelings, the sights, the smells... Sooo my thing.

I should have taken a picture from far up, although the pictures don`t do the place justice. I had a book and a chair. The boys and Nads went and climbed the dunes and Grace and I hung for a bit. Then they came back and went swimming. The water was Cooold and it was dangerous. The undertow was insane. The kids didn't last long. Josh was the only one that stayed in a little longer.

Here, Ken and the kids are walking away to climb dunes. I love taking pictures of the backs of people. I don't know why! Maybe it's because you don't have to worry about what they are doing with their face. (o: I like the shadow of the sea gull in the second one!

Grace playing.

Grace stood here for a long time with her hair whipping in the wind. She was in awe like her Momma!

 Grace surfing and saying whoooooaa.

Josh in the water. 

Our time is coming to a close, school is starting soon. Ken officially leaves us next Thursday. I thought it was Monday. I will take Thursday! (o;
