A broken van, string cheese and lap 876.

Before I tell you about my frustrating day and show you lap 876, here is a picture of what Micah loves. I would NEVER buy this for cash money, but they have it at the Food Pantry for PRTS students (It's like a food bank). It just sits there, someone has to eat it! (o; Micah loves it with Ritz crackers. I have to document it. It makes me smile.

Another thing that makes me smile is that there is no band practice tonight, unless it starts at 7. We will see in 7 minutes. Ha!!!

I am kind of disappointed in our day today.

This morning Ken was timing out the route to Josh's school and then on to his own. On Hwy 131, the van lost all it's power. I am so thankful that he was near an exit and was able to coast off. That traffic is pretty busy.

Since we haven't bought a phone, (We've been planning to just buy a 20 bucker one that is pay as you go, for travelling.) Ken started walking. He came across a garage that looked reputable and had towing service. So he got the van towed and we put a new alternator in.

As Ken was walking he actually saw a man sleeping on the sidewalk. We have been downtown Toronto and even London has homeless people, but it seems a little different here in some areas. It sure is an eye opener.

So Ken walked home from the garage and then took the bus back later to pick the van up. We were thankful to have it fixed and be on our way to St T. at 3:08 pm. As we were 10 minutes down the M6, the van starting having to work crazy hard and was making odd noises, so we got off the next exit and went home. Ken brought the van to another garage and we will find out tomorrow what is exactly wrong with it.

This delay, the fact that I have to cancel appointments that I really needed to get done and the cost of the repair are all in His grand plan, as small as these details are in the big scheme of life. We also have been blessed with this van in the last 5 years. We have really only needed to do regular maintenance. At 11 years old, it's bound to start showing it's age. His timing is always perfect, even though I think it's tough timing for us. We have put a lot of money into the van in the last 6 weeks.

The kids and I went out this afternoon to get some water to take in the van for the trip and at the intersection near our house we saw a car in the right turning lane with no driver and kids in it. I turned into the gas station and was half way out of my van to see if the little ones needed help and the police drove up behind the car. It turns out the lady was in the gas station because she ran out of gas. It was really a poor decision to leave 2 kids a little younger than Siah in a vehicle without the 4 ways on at an intersection. I kind of wanted to yell at her. The police stayed there for a long time with her. They were really giving her the gears. I wonder if they would have handled it differently if it was me?

I am not accusing them of being racist at all or bigoted in regards to her financial position. But in the last weeks, I  have been thinking about how I look at people. We live in a VERY multicultural neighborhood. Who needs to travel, when we have many countries represented in our very own backyard? I have been wondering if I judge people on how they present themselves.

Would I have looked at this lady, who happened to be black, who drove a very old beater and who was dressed shabbily differently than if she was wearing jean capris, a t-shirt, was driving a newer vehicle and was white?

This lady truly was unwise, but that had nothing to do with her status or race. But do you think the police treated her differently than they would have treated me if I made a bad decision like that? Not sure.

Something to think about.

LAP 876 - If you don't know what this is, read yesterday's post! (o:

Grace supervising the laps!


  1. You're going to have to get Siah a little something for lap 1000, you know! Maybe a bell or something that he can ring each time he completes a lap ;)

    Sorry to hear about your van. Car problems are so frustrating. I always try to be thankful that we own a vehicle that needs maintenance and repair, but boy it is tough when you keep dumping money into them! Hope it turns out to be a quick and easy fix and you can get back on schedule.

  2. I think that picture of Grace is so sweet; actually most pictures you post of her are adorable :)


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