Another clear scan....

I know I already wrote a post today (If you haven't read it, will you? Lucy's family needs some prayer), but I need to just chat this out.

Around supper time I got an email from Micah's Doc saying that his scan was clear. Those spots in his abdomen and lungs are unchanged. That is great news and we are so thankful. They have been unchanged for a long time, so we confident that they are just scar tissue or something else harmless. Than k you Lord!!

I have just been wondering around my house, amid the mess of packing for moving and packing for camping. I can't really seem to get anything done. There is so much swirling in my mind.

I am overwhelmed with joy. There was a part of me that was expecting him to be healthy. I was at peace, knowing that God was leading us to go and a healthy Micah is part of God putting all of the pieces together.  

Micah has not had cancer for 2 years and 4 months. That is such a long time. It is more that we could have imagined.

I have been thinking..... I feel like we have been living so cautiously the last years. It seems like every step we have taken we have waited for another clear scan to move to the next step. We waited to visit the seminary in Nov. We waited until the very last day to submit Ken's package to the Theo and Ed Comm. We have waited to start the paperwork on our house... etc.   There is nothing wrong with that. It's wise to step carefully, being mindful of Micah's health.

But now I feel we are being told to move on and to run forward without looking back. It's time to pick up and go, trusting all of His promises. Tonight in my mind, I feel like we are jumping out of a plane. There is freedom in that, but some fear too. It makes me cry with joy and thankfulness, but also makes me take a quick breathe in wondering about the unknown.

I am so thankful God has opened the door and is leading us.

I am nervous to leave everyone and everything we know.

I am so thankful that Ken is finally having some peace. God has been chasing him for a long time.

I am sad to leave the security and comfort of Micah's health team. Although, it feels like I have less of a connection now that Barb, our case manager is gone. I am sad we didn't get to say good bye. I still don't know why she left. 

I am excited to be stretched out of my comfort zone and to see where He is gong to take us.

I am thankful that we are leaving here with our complete family of 7. How beautiful is that!

So, here we go. Could you please pray that God will tie up our loose ends and that we will trust Him in our next years and follow where ever He leads?
