
 Ken is home now. I loooove having him home!  He has no more marking or meetings. His desk is emptied and he is done teaching. It is kind of hard to imagine. He has taught since January of 1997. That is a long time. It is kind of sad to see the end of chapter. But it is kind of exciting to see the beginning of a new one.

I have been sick for the last few days. I have been quite sick actually. My chest is super full, my throat hurts, my sinus' are full and my head feels like it's going to explode. My teeth even hurt.  I rarely get sick. But all of the kids were really sick last week too. Most of them are still coughing, esp Micah. It sure hits him hard. Last week,  I missed the grad dinner and graduation at Oxford because of sick kids. I was sad to miss those things, especially since they were the last ones. This is a doozy. It sure makes me appreciate healthy. It will also help me be more sympathetic when Ken is sick. I am not very good at that! Seriously. (o:

Ken has been cooking for the last week and I love it. He adds a new flavour. He is a good cook. I am great at the staples and can make them flavourful, but he spices things up nicely. I love watching him plan the next few days of meals. He can have the job!

On Monday, we hope to do our business at the border. We need to get our 1-20's processed. Then we are going to visit GR. The kids and I are especially excited to  look at our house and explore the area a bit. The littles can't wait to see their new room and plan in their heads what things will look like.  We were planning to sleep over in our new house, but it doesn't work. We need to back in St Thomas that night. Micah has a scan the next morning.

Micah has his last 3 month scan on Tues, July 3 at 8:30 am. I am thankful we are not nervous about the MRI like last time. With the ativan and an odyssey, he did brilliantly. I was so thankful. If you remember,  could you please pray for him that morning. He still does feel some stress even if he doesn't admit it. It's hard to believe that the next scan after this one will be in January. Crazy. That feels like forever. I have a feeling that at times that will be a challenge for me.

When we are in GR, we won't really have access to doctors or emerg for an XRAY, like we do now. If we are tense about Micah's breathing or his coughing, I can get into my family Doc with in a hour usually and be at the hospital within 2 getting a quick XRAY. I know for sure that there will be days that I will panic over there, not having quick access to those things.  I feel secure here. Everything is at my finger tips and that is how I like it. We are so blessed here. I need to remember that God will give us wisdom as to when we need to get Micah checked on. He will take care of us no matter what. It's still hard. I joke, but am kind of serious that I am almost tempted to buy a stethiscope to listen to his lungs and a O2 sat finger hugger. It would give me peace of mind!

I am sorry about my boring posts. There are just about nothing, but yet everything. I guess I don't blog to be exciting. It's just that sometimes I have less to say than other times.  (O:  I wanted to post pictures, but the pics are not on my memory card. Very odd. It was suuuuper overflowingly full. About 500 pics disappeared off the card.. I am thankful I unload it often!

Have a beautiful windy, yet sunny night. The Creator is amazing!


  1. Belinda, your posts are never boring. They are interesting and show me a side of you that I never would have known without them. Keep posting. You have been blessed with a great talent for writing.

  2. Be thankful you don't have so much to talk about about. Your life is nearly back to a new normal!

  3. Belinda, you should talk to Jen (Rob). Her mom works at a medical center. She might be able to pull some strings, I know she has for Jen.


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