Just me.

Many of you "blog know me". I try to be real on my blog and through what I write, I hope you get a picture of who am I. But the "everyday who I am", doesn't always get shown. Just so you are not surprised if you meet me, here is a little more of who I am. Hehe! (o:

I like to say words like, "For-real-io ?" and "wowsa"

I live in flip flops, jeans and a t-shirt.

I often wonder what the Lord has in store for my family. When I put aside the practical things that I need to do in the next months, I am in awe. At times it fills me with such joy that it makes me cry. I am so thankful that God can use us, whether here or there, despite ourselves. We are so weak and He is so strong. Fill me Lord.

I love throwing things out.

We have so many squirrels that have caused us so many problems, that it wouldn't bother me to shoot them. I am serious. Squirrels are crazy. They have even intimidated me. Picture me running into the house after a one of them hissed at me and came towards me. I thought it was going to jump on me. For real.

I love watching cooking competitions on the Food Network.

Since I started doing email updates and my blog, I am much more open and transparent. I can talk to new people easier as well.

I am going grey and at this point I am pretty sure I don't care.

I cry easily, whether happy or sad.

I love writing and I never want to stop. I sit down for at least 10 minutes here and there, at least 3 times a day. I have about 75 unpublished posts just hanging around! Some are complete and some just have one sentence.

I am super blunt.

I am learning to hold my tongue and listen. It is part of the process of my sanctification for sure!

A goal of mine is to practice using semi-colons. I don't use them well.

Things are very black and white to me. I am learning to see grey.

I am very much all or nothing. I often struggle to find the happy medium.

I am rather immmmpulsive.

I struggle with being diligent in my devotions.

I love to listen to writers read their own work. (an author reading their book or someone narrating an experience). My favorite today is a video from Frontline ministries. The guy narrates as their trip happens. The way he puts his words together made me sigh. This set is so beautiful. It tells about how the Lord is working abroad. It sure has the ability to shake us out of our silly North American stupor. It talks about people who really give all to serve the Lord. They give up their job, their family and sometimes their lives. Here we sit, half serving the Lord. There is no consequence for serving the Lord, so often there is no test of our commitment. Just so you know. (I just re-read this paragraph. I am more talking about my self. I am not necessarily painting a community or anyone specific.I can't read anyone else's mind or how on fire they are for Christ.)

I love music. I like to listen to my music loud.

I have become confident in who I am in Christ and He has changed my life because of that.

I like to use commas. I am pretty sure I use them way too much.

I like to read the ESV Bible. It is by far my favorite translation.

I love the water. When I was little, I pretty much lived in the pool and can swim well. I wanted to join the St Thomas swim team, but they practiced at 6 in the morning and it didn't work with our family's schedule. They also had meets on Sunday. I have always wished it was something I could have done.

When I grow old, I would like to live on Lake Huron. With my thinking now, I don't think there is ever a time to quit working. You may quit your day job, but there is so much to do in the Kingdom. (Keep going older folks.(O;) There has got to be something we can do or start in Goderich! (o: Ahh sunsets, walking by the lake.... delight.

I love black picture frames with bible verses that encourage.

I am shy in new situations, but faaaaaaaar from shy when I am comfortable. (I just added a few more "a" s.)

I am supposed to be packing and de-cluttering now!!  I better get back to it! (O:

Have a nice night.
