I am so thankful to report that Cheyenne's cancer has been staged as stage 1. What an answer to prayer. Even though it is stage 1, she will still have almost a year of treatment.  I am sure it is such a relief, but the reality of a year full of hospital visits and stays is still a hard one. To stay up to date read HERE. Please pray for this precious family as they begin this hard road.

The reality of actually moving away is here. In the last week, we have had 6 people through our little house. That is not bad for just advertising on facebook and a sign on the lawn. There are a few hopefuls.

It hit me hard today that we are actually doing this. For a few months, it's been theory. But now it feels real. This reality made me cry today. A lot. 

Ive been reminded that this is what God is asking. He will take care of us. We are not crazy. It will be OK, because we are following Him..

Above are my new favourite things from facebook. They come from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Someday I hope to get them put onto stretched canvas or something. I am picturing maybe finding one more black and white one and getting them as 8*10s. Then hanging them as a  group of 3 in my dining room or something. That is what I like.

One more..... Oh isn't it a beauty? The truth is glorious. The picture is so beautiful.  This one needs to be biiiiig. Not 8 by 10. This one would be for my bedroom. I love pictures. I love them even more when they have words on them that keep my mind focused on God, rather than myself.


 I have some super duper cute pictures to post, but I decided I am too tired. I need to tidy up and get ready for Sunday. I am hoping Ken and I can go out for coffee or for a walk at the beach tonight. We have been super busy the last week. It would be great to step out.

I almost just sent the google earth link to show you where we are moving to, but then the whole world would know my address. I am not one of those very cautious people. But that one might be over the line for the .0000009% chance that a crazy person would find my blog. (O:

So here is a fuzzy picture from google earth.   Even though I am sad today, I am looking forward to working on making this house our home to make new memories in.


  1. Glad you have your new home organised, and hope you enjoy your stay in Grand Rapids. My dh and six kids are out there just now (arrived yesterday), maybe I'll get to meet you one day!


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