
I have been meaning to write a blog post about choices. Today I came across this one and decided she did it for me!

Read on people! Really, it will make you think. Regardless of who you are, where you are and what you do, you make many choices a day. Sometimes we don't think of all of the little things as choices, but they sure are!

Quick, read it now. It may change your perspective! (O:


  1. Dear Belinda,

    I am honored that you shared my blog post. I've been browsing through your blog, and I'm truly blessed by what I've read. You are an epitome of strength and a mighty testimony. I'm praying God's grace and strength for you and your family. May His favor rest on you.


    1. It was my pleasure Sheena. I was very convicted by your post! Thank you for your kind words and prayers. It's beautiful to meet a new sister in Christ!


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