
Don't look at my grammar, spelling or the fact that words might be missing or in the wrong spot. I just wanted to write about my day and I only have about 10 minutes! (o:

My day consisted of : kids, de-cluttering, good music, wash, bathroom cleaning,  food network show, saw my sister, mom and nephew, watched Courageous for quiet time, thought about the logistic of being in the States and weighed the options of renting our house out or selling about 55 times.

Today is day 3 of Ken being gone and we are doing just fine! (o;. We are keeping busy.

We watched a "from conception to birth" thing on facebook. Most of it was not real life. Josh and Micah know all the details of conception and birth. Nata knows a little. I was explaining to Siah that an egg and sperm come together to make a baby. I didn't even include that one comes from mom and one from dad. He is way too perceptive to start that now. But he saw the picture of the baby in the sack and it looked like an egg. He said, "I didn't know people could hatch from an egg!" FUNNY BOY. Now to tell you the truth I was too tired to correct him. It's been a long day and I knew for sure he would ask a bajillion questions. So for today he thinks people can hatch from an egg. (o:

The kids and I tackled the basement today. I took about 8 garbage bags out either to go to Goodwill or garbage. My neighbour took 3 of our chairs. My sister came and took some handfuls of stuff as well. It was a good day for her to visit. I was RUTH---LESS today in my quest for less "stuff:". I have never liked stuff.  But life just gets busy. I also bleached the downstairs bathroom. Josh and I moved a dryer upstairs by ourselves. So now there is more room for my totes downstairs. It was heavy, but Josh and I are quite driven when we want to get something done.

Now, my downstairs is brighter and bigger. I still need to do more cleaning. The carpets need to be cleaned and the boys' rooms need to be gone through. But that shouldn't be hard, we do that quite often.  I also need to do a little more in the furnace room, But first  I have to ask Ken in a  super nice way if I can get rid of the rest, after I make him his favourite meal. Really I am just joking. Kind of  I need Ken's opinion on some stuff. I tried really hard not to get rid of anything he would not like me to. We are not fighters. Occasionally we will discuss and we don't always do it the right way, but on the whole things work quite well. I am thankful. BUT, when it comes to getting rid of stuff  it can be a problem. We differ SO much in this area. I am waaaaay on one side and he is waaaaay on the other. We are coming closer to meeting in the middle (and have been married for 15 years). I think it may take another 15 to meet bang in the middle. But our differences are what makes us work so well together. (o:

I have to put some kiddies to bed and finish cleaning up the kitchen. Then I will sit and look at the phone waiting for Ken to call. I can't wait to talk to him.


  1. I just LOVE getting rid of junk too! Sounds like a satisfying day. :)

  2. oh belinda, don't ya just love purging!?! it's such a good feeling when it's all gone! wayne & ken are related for sure...i always need to ask wayne if i can get rid of his 'stuff' too! we've been married 20 yrs and it's taken me just about that long to realize that he may have some sort of attachment to his things! me, i just chuck it all...if you haven't used it in 2 yrs then you probs won't use it again!! happy purging :)!


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