
A few people have told me they keeping checking here for results. So I will  give you what I have.


I have nothing! The hospital just called and told me that there is not even any prelim results. It is odd. We usually have prelims with in a few days, 3 tops. I am truly thankful they called. That was very considerate of them to let me know they didn't forget to look. I appreciate that so much.

So we wait and pray. Truthfully, I have had a hard day. My tears are close to the surface and my mind is wondering to the what ifs. Really, if could simply be back log at the hospital. It probably is.

I know God is faithful and there is a reason it is taking so long. We may never know why but, nothing is for nothing. Or everything is for something. Those last two lines make sense to me, even if they don't to you! (O:

Tomorrow must be the day.

I came across a picture today that is pretty old. It was from September 2010. It was taken on my 34th birthday. I have posted it before. But it made me smile again. The people in it are literally and figuratively messy and  imperfect. The picture quality is equally as messy and fuzzy. But it is still my favourite of all time! This is who we are... shirts backwards, no clothes, pajamas...I think we may be a little crazier than we seem!  (O:


  1. I'm glad they called you, but it is so tough to wait longer. praying for peace as you wait.
    that picture is a great one even if it's fuzzy :)

  2. I am one of those that keep checking :o) While you wait, search on google for the poem "Wait" by Russell Kelfer. I would write it out here but it is a bit lengthy. But don't let the length scare you off, it is so good and thought-provoking. It was on my fridge for a looooong time.

  3. Praying you will have patience and peace fill your heart as you wait! God is in control! Love the picture above... even if some of you are not "properly" dressed, you can see the love you all have for eachother :)

  4. There are so many worship songs that I like most. In Christ alone is one of my favorite worship song. I keep this song always top on my play list. In Christ alone chords


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