It's that time....

Yes, it's time that almost all my kid's ages are even. (14, 10, 8, 6, 2) Just Grace needs to turn two yet! (O:  I love even! I am kind of a dork that way.

Yes, it's time that school is winding down. Ken has about 25 (ish?) more teaching days.

Yes, it's time that I start packing and continue to organize and get rid of LOTS of stuff.

Yes, its time that I start seeing if Pips wants to start checking out the toilet.

Yes, it's time that grass and trees are starting to look beautiful. Our red maples bloomed while we were in Collingwood. It sounds silly, but I will miss those trees. They are so beautiful out our front window.

Yes, it's time that baseball practice starts for the boys and that we need to start juggling 3 baseball schedules.

BUT most of all it's time I start to get paranoid about BATS. Indeed. In the spring/summer my kids leave the doors open all the time. In the evening it is easy for bats to scoot in.

Last summer we had a bat in the house and I hid in the bedroom. Ken asked if I would help him and I said, "NOT. A. CHANCE." I am not the squeamish type. But a bat in my house has the potential to make me cry. I am serious! (o:

For A LONG time, if I knew the door was open in the evening even for four minutes, I would go and do a bat search before I went to bed. Picture me peeking behind all the blinds and curtains and in lamp shades etc. Ken laughed at me often.

Look at that picture. I know God made them and they eat bugs.... But they just make me swirly!


  1. Lol! I'm with you Belinda, I love even numbers! It's a weird thing, but I'm glad all our birthdays are on even days, along with our wedding anniversary etc...
    I also am totally creeped out by bats! yugh!

  2. Isn't it wonderful that you can blog about something as ugly as bats! don't let them take hold anywhere in your office. They are difficult to get rid of and the clean up after them is even worse.

  3. My comment should have been: don't let them take hold anywhere in your house!

  4. I have a fear of mice and birds - bats are the worst of both put into one! lol I'm so glad we don't have a problem with them....yet!


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