Gotta love the mud......

Today I went to go see my new nephew, Levi. He is so soft and sweet! Ken's sister and her husband, Greg had a little boy last night. Oh, what beautiful news. I cried and cried when I heard the news. All babies are special, but some just a little more so.

What did my kids do today? Really, I am so glad you asked! (O: Note the bow in Nads hair combined with the mud. That says a lot about her. Poor bunny lunny should have stayed inside! (o:

She just realized that dirty is not all that fun, when the mud starts to dry. 


  1. Oh, what a beautiful post!
    Baby news!
    And puddle jumping! Love those pictures...especially the back of your baby!! Love it. Judging by the smiles on your kids' face, you are an awesome mom!
    So glad I found your blog! I'll be back.


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