At this minute! (o:

At this minute, this is what my house looks like. I am not sure why I feel the need to share. Someday when I look back I may miss the tornadoes that run through?

Tonight was nuts. It's the first baseball game of the season and Ken got home a little late, so supper didn't really work. I had Nasi made, but Ken and the two boys just grabbed peanut butter sandwiches. I am going to leave everything and try to get the pressure washer started to do the deck.  It is kind of slimy looking and I want to put things on it. I will clean up later!  Usually my house in this state makes me crazy, but today I  just can't care. I don't have time!
 Below is our Granny flat that we use as part of our house. It is our dining room/school room with a big bathroom with laundry. Siah's room is here too. It would be easy to put back into a Granny. You just need the door back on! I am going to miss this light airy room. The windows are nice and big and it always feels sunny in there! It has been a blessing. It is just what we needed!
 Siah's room with a pile of girl clothes I separated to sell. The tote is in his closet. They just didn't make it!
 Wow I like being transparent, but this may be a little too transparent. This is the corner of our lawn that gets dumped on. It is where our garden should be, but we are not doing one this year. These are the piles Ken is making. I am counting on this all being gone with in a week? That would be nice.

 Ah, this one makes me breathe easier! This is the tidy part! (o; It is where the kids do their living.

Have a nice evening! (o;


  1. My house looks scary similar to yours tonight! I spent all day on other projects.... Some computer type / organizing and planning and then painting the porch. When I know Justin won't be home at night I find it easier to let the house go nuts! But now I am paying for it.... I have it half way clean (I'm taking a couch break with Jacob, who has been feeling neglected today) and I will continue on after the kids go to bed.
    But that last picture looks very lovely!

  2. I can post pics of my house to make you feel better if you like! ugh. I am back at work and trying to finish up homeshcooling for the year. Tis also the season for pulling out warm weather clothes to see what fits, and I cant put all the cold weather stuff away till I empty some buckets of clothes....I am thankful that you are transparent. It makes my day and it makes me feel like a normal homeschooling mom. Thanks!


    My yard is a mess too but the funny thing is, all the neighbour kids want to play in our yard because it is 'more fun'

  3. I hear ya lady! :)
    Honestly...the first thing I thought when I saw the first picture was "I loooove those 4 bar stools! Your yard is amazing!

    P.S. I want to see a pic of your girl in her new specs! :)

  4. My house looks similar to yours too...we had ball hockey and Mark met us at the rink. You are brave to show us :)


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