We have a 6 year old again!

Alrighty then.... This is the third and last birthday in April! We have a 2, 10 and 20! (O:

Josiah was born sometime in the afternoon on April 20, 2006. It seems so long ago. It was an odd birth. I was 9 cm dilated before I started having contractions. Just before I was fully dilated, Siah's heart rate dropped and the midwives were yelling for me to push him out. It was awful. It was quick and scary. He came out looking like this....

After a couple hours he reddened up a little, but was still white around his eyes. They wanted me to skin to skin with him, but I said no. Looking back, I can't even believe it. I had no feelings for him. I just gave him to Ken. I am not sure why. Someone could have taken him, even when he was a few months old and I would have been fine with that. It made me sad, but it just was. It took me a while to love him, but once I did, I really loved him! (O:

I remember thinking when I took this picture that 4 kids was a lot! (O: I have been trying to remember at what age Natalie cried all the time and threw tantrums. Looking at this picture I think it was at this age. She was 2 when Siah was born and she would thrash. I struggled with her.

I was most overwhelmed with my kids at this time.  Josh was in grade 2 and I was homeschooling and cleaning the church.  Micah was 4 and a challenge like no other. You wouldn't believe the stories I could tell you. Your eyebrows would raise really high! That gleam in his eye..... is a bad one. It sounds mean, but really it's true. (I have also forgotten how thick his hair was. What a great head of hair! (O: It never came back thick.) Natalie was at a tough age and realizing that disobeying is more interesting than obeying and Siah came with all the new born demands. Josh was the only one who was independent and dependable. I am pretty sure Ken came home to a wife in tears more than once! Anyways.... back to Siah! (O:

He was a beautiful little guy. His eyes were blue for a long time. Then green for a while and now have settled into a light brown. I thought we may have a blue eyed boy!

In the picture below is how old Siah was when Micah got sick. I forgot he was so little. He was such an easy little guy. I could just drop him off any where. As long as he had his soother, he was all good. It was a blessing that I didn't have to be wondering how Siah was doing when I was at the hospital with Micah. He was younger than Grace is now. Looking at this picture, makes me smile. I must have had more to worry about than crumbs on the couch. They must have been watching something! (O:

Josiah is so quirky. He makes us laugh so often. I can't even count the times we have laughed so hard at him. He looks at things so differently than every one else and when he thinks whatever is running through his mind, he usually says it, no matter where we are. He loves to learn and is very independent in school. I am not even sure what I have had to teach him so far in Kindergarten. I am quite serious!

The boys in my sister Tori's wedding in Spring of 2010. Micah looks so good. It is about 6 weeks after surgery. What a blessing to have my boys together.

Siah is quite careless. He runs around chasing people with hammers and sharp things he finds outside. He just doesn't have a grasp of the consequences. He scares me a little. I have asked him so many times if what he is doing is a wise decision. After he thinks about it, he agrees it's not and apologizes and feels bad right away. He actually will hang his head. He is learning.  He also is rather uncouth. He is very free with his bodily functions and thinks nothing of it. When we were at the eye doc the other day looking at glasses with Nads, he just let one go. I looked at him with unbelief and he just shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't think it's funny or he doesn't do it to get attention. It is just necessary (according to him). We are working on it! (O: Those are magnets on his nose! (O:

Siah and Trent. Siah has 4 good friends. His cousins Keagan and Trenten, and his second cousins, Esme and Ethan.

Although he is sometimes foolish, Siah is a very sensitive boy. His heart is sensitive and he crumbles at a stern word or any sort of discipline.For the first 5 years I hardly had to discipline him. His response was always, "Yes Mom.", to the point that I had to get other people in trouble for making fun of his obedience. It is quite special. He is so sincere.  His heart is tender to spiritual things and he loves the Lord. He understands so much already. The Lord is working in him and we are so thankful.

Josiah truly is a pleasure and I can't wait to watch him grow! (O:


  1. I get such a kick out of Josiah. He really is a sweetheart! Happy birthday Josiah!

    We're going to miss you all so much when you move!


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