Things are so quiet here tonight. The boys went across the street to watch a Jays game. Nattie and Siah are cuddling in bed watching a few little cartoons on an ipod before sleep time. Pips is sleeping and Ken is at school. Tonight is the grand opening night for ORCS's new building. But it didn't work out for the kids and I to go because Ken needed the van to go to Brantford for volleyball this afternoon. Ken would have had to drive from Brantford to school to home and back to school and home again. That is just too much driving. )O:

We haven't gotten any results yet. It is a little sad to go through a weekend without knowing. But we are resting quietly in His hands. God is so good. His ways are perfect. Hopefully on Monday we will get a call. If not, I will call them in the afternoon.

I was going through some pics of the last few weeks and would like to share my little people with you.

A little girl fresh out of the bath, all clean and ready for bed. 

Natalie waiting to blow out her candle. She is getting so big. 

I dont' know why I love this one so much. Her big hair, her eating an apple, her cute shirt and the way she holds bunny just makes me smile! 

This is my nephew Jack. We had him over for a day while Tori was in a wedding. He is smiling here, but he sure gave Ken a run for his money when I was gone. 

Look at Jack's sad eyes here. He cried and cried. Ken was pushing him around our  living room dining room circle.  Grace thought it was great! (O:

Josiah longs for this big bag of cheesies when we go shopping.We happened to be picking up a few things on his birthday from the grocery store and I put it in the cart for him as a treat and he jumped up and down pretty high! 

Yes, Siah picked apple pie for his candles. What an individual. He is fun! Excuse Josh he jumped in this picture like a crazy. (O:

Grace's favourite lunch - cucumber, tomatoes, cheese and chicken. (O:

Josh saved all his roll up the rim cups to roll on his birthday. That is such crazy self control! He had 30 cups and he won either 5 or 6 times!  Looking at all that stacked stuff in the background makes me thankful I just decluttered all of that. That is all cut in half now! (O:

My hard working boy!

Grace escaped the house naked. She is holding bunny just perfectly for me to post this! (O:

Would you please continue to pray for us as we wait for results. Thank you ........


  1. love all the pics! Funny GRACIE! lol

  2. Beautiful family !

  3. Hi Belinda, I have been a silent reader for quite awhile, but felt it necessary to finally comment. May God bless you with peace this weekend as you await the results of Micah's scan. I love your pictures and your children are absolutley beautiful!! Your family sounds very "familiar" to me as I read your blog and I am sure I have seen Ken before at Teacher Conventions. I was a teacher for 10 years in one of our church-affiliated schools (Can. Ref.) before God blessed us with a baby through adoption. I somewhat understand the "waiting" period with the journey of adoption, but definitely in a different context. The same with dealing with hospitals as we are in the midst of that right now, but again, in a different context. I hope you will be able to enjoy this weekend with your family, especially tomorrow, a day of rest and worship.

  4. Hi Belinda,
    I LOVE this assortment of pictures . . .but the one that cracks me up is the one of Josh with his roll up the rims. That is so funny and you are right - that is crazy self control!
    We will keep you in our prayers this weekend and pray for peace for all of you.

  5. Praying for peace for you this weekend! I know that it is hard to wait for results from medical tests. Sometimes I wish I could be the doctor for our son so I could just know what the tests show.

    As I read your blog I am sometimes struck by the familiar emotions that you express that have been a part of my life too. Our son was a thread away from dying last year and I am finally starting to deal with everything that happened during that time. I remember the first time I heard a certain song on the radio I almost had to pull over because I was crying so hard.


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