More Sentences....

Today, Josh and Micah had a regular eye appt. Because of Micah's history, the Doc was super thorough with him. I really appreciate that. Micah's eyes look perfect. Although we found out that he is a little color blind. That makes me laugh and Micah thinks it's cool.  But they found a little bleeding in the back of Josh's eye. The Doc pushed for blood work to make sure it's not a symptom of a bigger problem. We are going to do that next week, just in case. Since then, I talked to a very trusted eye Doc (O:, who assured me the bleed is most likely from Josh getting kicked in the head by Natalie yesterday. He flew and was dizzy afterwards. So in God's providence Josh had an exam today. If he wouldn't have had it, we wouldn't have known. I see this as a test that I completely failed. I froze for a bit this afternoon. Leukemia is the worst case the Doc gave me and it kind of put me over the edge. I didn't rest in God's faithfulness. I just imagined another one of my kids with cancer. I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. I can say now I am cheery, resting and trusting. But it doesn't really count, becasue I was reasured that it should be OK. I am not expecting perfection, I will never get there. But really when I am going to learn? From what I have learned about the character of God, I should know better. Everything is in His hands - the good and the bad. Always.

(I started this last Tuesday!) (Last) This weekend was so nice and relaxed. I got stuff done around the house. I went through summer clothes and got rid of some clothes. I am starting to get more and more organized for when I need to start packing. I have to say though. I seriously relaxed from Thursday night till Monday night.  I am not sure it's worth it. If I relax things get untidy and that graduates to messy, then to dirty. Then the little pile of wash that was there on Thursday night is suddenly huge. I don't know. I can't seem to stay organized and relax at the same time. I am realizing more and more I am an all or nothing kind of girl. If I start to relax, I really relax. Making lunch feels like quite a burden when you are sitting on the couch playing tetris or reading! (O: Also if I sit around I get kind of miserable. Hmmm..... It just might be overrated.

Talking about relaxing... On May 3, Ken and I are going away for 4 days. YES, 4 days. That is actually the longest we have been away. I am longing for a week sometime. It might be a while! (O:  I soooooooo can't wait. I for sure won't get miserable relaxing then. Delight I tell you. We bought a time share promotion thing last year for Collingwood and got a SUPER cheap deal for 2 nights. Since we bought it last year, we can pretent it's free! (O:  They can talk to me for an hour and a half, but they sure won't get far. There is no way we would ever buy a thing like that. I will tell them that in the beginning, very kindly. I wonder if they will still try? They may get frustrated! Haha, I will be good practice for them.

Grace found a little container of Naddie's candies. They were King Peppermints. Grace put the container in her bed and the sucked on each one and then put them back. I don't think she likes peppermints. Maybe she was hoping the next one would taste better. If Siah did that he would get in trouble. But Grace doesn't really understand that taking Natalie's candies and sucking on them isn't a nice thing to do. We just laughed at the slobbery wet candies.

Just so you know.... I love No Frills and I have 430 unread messages in my inbox. I read all the ones from actual people. But I am getting so many groupon and stuffola like that. It is time to close my eyes and delete! (O: I am always worried I will miss an important one from a person and then will delete it. I have to be in the mood to press delete. It is a similar mood that is required to ruthlessly get rid of stuff! (O: At times I am rather complex!

Grace and I were looking at a book. Her vocabulary is very limited yet. So when she saw a flower, she sniffed like she was smelling them. When she saw grapes, she slurped like she was eating them. It is soooo cute seeing her wrinkle up her nose and hearing her sound affects. I showed everyone in the family and they all, "aawwwed" But I have to say that I will be much happier when she starts saying the words! We are working on it . (O:

It is almost baseball time. I have to be honest... Although I love watching the kids play, being gone 4 or 5 nights a week through the summer isn't really my favourite thing. We can do this much easier because Ken is home. But this year both Micah and Josh will be playing in London as well as St Thomas. Nads is the only one staying in one spot. Last year it was so nice that M and N were on the same team.  We are a 1 vehicle family and I know some of the games with overlap. We will see how it works this year. It makes me a little sad that this most likely will be the kids' last year of baseball. Although in the US the highschools have baseball teams. Maybe Josh will be able to get into that action. (O: Fun!

Grace has loved listening to us sing Low in the Grave He Lay, getting ready for Easter. We would sing it every night at supper. I just realized that all along she has thought the word "arose" was "a nose". Josh was pointing to her nose today and she said in a sing song voice almost to the right tune, "he a nose" for "He arose". Funny! (o:

Micah's scan is coming closer. 12 more days. I am looking forward to it being done. If this scan is clear, we were planning to go to 6 months in between them. But I am going to ask if we can do one more 3 monther in July. So that we can have one more before we go. Then the next one wouldn't be until mid January. Oh dear, that is a long time!

That is all for today! I was going to put some pics in this post, but I can't find the folder. Next time.(O:


  1. So, so glad you keep up your blogging!! I am planning to give you a call sometime soon, but I always think about it around 9 in the evening....that would be midnight your time ;-)Hope your plans are coming together :-)

  2. I'd love to hear more about "resting in God's faithfulness..." what that means, what you've learned....

    Loved this post!



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