Mmmm, a song.

We are waiting for results. 

I am having a bit of a tough day. The excitement of having the scan done and it going so well has worn off. I am still thankful for His blessings but waiting is hard. I called this morning to ask my case manager, Barb to check but she is not there. She has been gone past her holidays by a few weeks and I am a little worried. She is so dear to us. When I asked, they said they don't know when she is coming back. I hope everything is fine. Julie, who is also a love and Micah's all time favourite nurse is stepping in as a case manager, will look for us today or tomorrow. 

The mind and Satan are quick to play tricks in my weakness. Thoughts swirl... Is she not calling because the prelim reports says there may be something? Is she waiting until the final report is read to get a forsure if that is the case. Is she waiting to let our Doc call.... etc. It is all irrational. It is only just over 48 hours since the scan. It is probably not in the system yet. Julie is very busy, she may not have had a chance. They are not sitting around waiting for our results. I guess those scenerios may be correct but I need to focus on the truth, The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1. He is holding us in His hands and will not let us go regardless of the next days or weeks or years.  I know it for sure. 

I found a few songs this afternoon that really have been a blessing to me. I was looking at Tim Challies' blog and he recommending some music. I clicked on the first group called, Jenny and Tyler. I listened to a few of their songs and found Psalm 86, which was a delight, but is not on you tube. It is now snugly down loaded into my itunes. The other is Psalm 46, found here on You Tube. I think I like Psalm 86 best. You can listen to a snippet here on Amazon.

The music is pretty and so simple, maybe even a little folksy. The words are direct and also simple.  It is a little different. I can see people really not liking it or loving it. It may be an either or thing. I like different. (O: Have a listen! 
