Just some sentences....

It's been a bit of a long week. Ken has had parents teacher interviews the last 2 nights. Since we live 40 minutes from school it's not worth it for him to come home in between. This means he doesn't get home until 9:30 one night and 10:30-11 another night. That means LONG days for both of us. I know it's only been two days and he came home late at night so I at least got to see him. But it sure gives me a new perspective. I take for granted that I have an amazing loving husband who works hard for us and comes home to us every single day without fail. Ken's care and faithfulness to the kids and I is a beautiful gift from the Lord. I thank God for him everyday. OK this next sentence is mushy and I am whispering...... We have always had a great relationship, but I have never loved him more. Really, really beautiful  There you go. Sorry if it's too much. It had to be said.  (o:

Reality is really setting in that we are actually going to move. For a long time it has been "if". But now it has become "when". I have such mixed feelings. Some days I am super excited. I even find myself hugging my kids in excitement and I laugh more. Strangely it is a carefree happy. I don't often have that. I am usually happy and thankful for my life, but not carefree. It must be a peace that comes from obeying the Lord.

Other days I feel anxious. I know it's wrong, but it's a struggle of trust for me. Will our house sell well? Will my kids find one good friend? What school will Josh go to? Will he adjust well?  Will we fit into Grand Rapids? Is it so different than what we are used to. I know for sure that God is in this move. He is in all the details. He has brought us through times of  change in the past. Through His providence, He has brought us here to this point. He is opening the doors.  I know He will  go in front of us and behind us. He is unchanging. He has promised. I do not doubt Him.

Ken and the kids have poison ivy or oak.  Picture poor Ken sitting in parent teacher conferences trying not itch.  Hehe. (O: He even took a shower after school yesterday to ease the irritation. He should be taking an antihistamine, but he doesn't want to be drowsy. He is using cortisone cream, but it sure is taking it's time working. It is without fail the last few years that the three big boys get it as soon as they start going in the woods. I think if I look back he may have even had it last year at this time during interviews. I dread getting it. But I think I may be immune or something. But in my sleep the other night, I kind of remember telling Ken to stay on his side of the bed so I don't get itchy. It must be on my mind more than I think. Itchy would test my patience to the max. It would make me NUTS.

Anybody who knows Josiah knows him as a boy who is very laid back. From the day he was born he has been very content.  His "yes moms" are quick. His sorrys are sincere and immediate. I have to push him to help out in the house, but he is quite motivated to do his school. He is in love with anything that is technology - computer, ipod etc. He could sit with a screen all day. So after saying all that I can honestly say that I have not had to discipline him a whole lot. He has been taught about obedience with the rest of them. But having to sit him down and talk to him about what he has done is rare. But in the last month, I have had to discipline him more than I have ever had to in my whole life. All of the sudden he is a provoker. He throws balls across the table where the computer is. He is joining into the fights. He has some attitude in his responses. He is super loud at the most inappropriate times. I have never seen such a shift all of the sudden in a child. I am thankful his heart is so soft and pliable. He really is a great little man. But I am kind of puzzled.

The kids play baseball all the time if the weather is nice. Grace has been totally getting in the way. The kids are so patient waiting for her to put the balls away. (O:

Last one...

Not too pleased about being put on the deck! Haha, I wonder what happened to her hair! (O: 

I just love watching my kids play together. I don't do it often enough. That is what Ken does after supper. I usually use that time to get stuff done. I love the quiet when they are out with Ken, but I may regret not being part of those times some day. The time goes quickly.


  1. Hi Belinda
    Just thinking about your little Josiah, and I can't help but wonder if maybe all the plans (exciting though they be) has triggered something inside his sweet little head. Just be patient and keep on keeping on. All the best with everything.

  2. Grace has the cutest cheeks ever! The last picture of her is so sweet :-). And I think it is totally appropriate to tell the world you love your husband!
    I hope everything starts to fall into place and we are definitely keeping you in our prayers.


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