8 years ago....

Our Natalie Maria has a birthday today. She is 8. I can't believe I have such a big girl. She is a great mix of girlie girl and tomboy. She loves to play with dolls and likes jewelery just as much as she likes to play baseball. This girl can hit like the rest of them. It is so fun to watch.

Looking at her pictures as I scanned them in, I really see that she looks different than the rest as a baby. Her eye shape is like no one else. Interesting! (O: Grace and Nads don't look anything a like! I could have picked a trillian pictures. But I kept it short and sweet!

She is kind and loving. She works so hard in school, even when things are are a challenge. Her and Micah have always been super close. When Micah was sick for the first time she was almost 4 and then again when she was almost 6. I have always wondered if those experiences have shaped her at all and how much she really understood.

She is smashed in between the boys. She has 2 above and 1 below. It is not always easy for her. Things can get pretty rough, but she holds her own. Brothers are nice, but I am so thankful she has a sister. 6 years seems like a big difference now, but some day it will be nothing! (O:

I always think of the kids birth on their birthday...... I started having mild contractions at 4 am. After dropping off Ken's lessons plans at Frank and Adrianna's for Denise to take to school, we were at the hospital by 7:30 am. I had my favourite midwife and the room was dim and perfectly quiet, just the way I like it.  She was born at 9:30am and I was home forsure by 1. Maybe even earlier! (O: It was beautiful. I am not sure why, but remembering the birth of my girls makes me smile so big.. They were hard, quick, but so special. I remember the tears that we cried holding her for the first time. She was a little Eskimo, just like Micah. She had big cheeks (on both ends hehe) and big black hair. She was so content.

She became my little girl in a house full of boys. Mmmm, so special.

These pics are a little sad for me because they were taken weeks after Micah relapsed. They were the ones we needed to take before he started treatment and while he still looked like himself, just in case..... But the reason I am putting this in Nad's birthday post is because this is probably my favorite picture of Natalie ever. Her sparkly eyes, chubby cheeks and short hair just melts me! Grace is kind of in this picture too, she is just only the size of  a strawberry! (O:

Natalie and Micah are super close. It is very special.

She truly is a gift from the Lord. I am so excited to watch her grow up into a little lady and see what the Lord has planned for her. I pray the Lord will continue to work in her and use her for His glory.


  1. She is beautiful! Happy Birthday Natalie!! :-)


  2. Happy Birthday Natalie. I remember being jealous of her gorgeous hair when Tiana was born 2 weeks later with none. Very sweet pictures of her and Micah - so special that they have such a bond. My girls are 7 years apart but I'm sure they'll be close in a few years just like yours will be (unless Gracie isn't a tomboy?) but I have a feeling she just might be too.


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