Yesterday and what it really means.

I have been thinking a lot about yesterday. I was amazed at the comments and "likes" on my post (on facebook). Everyone was so excited and praising God. I was praising God too. We had a good appointment. Micah looks good. But he looked good last appointment too.

I read my post over and over, trying to figure out why we were so excited. (I know it sounds odd!)  I just really wrote what happened yesterday. I even asked a good friend what I was missing.

But a few minutes ago as I started to write, it hit me pretty hard why we are so excited. It just hadn't really sunk in yet. Our Doc used the words, "finish point". Since Micah relapsed, he has never had a finish point. Usually you get a "protocol" of so many weeks. The first time it was 54 wks. People that were in treatment, that we had never met would ask me, "So how long is Micah's protocol?"  I would tell them that I didn't know and basically told them with my eyes (because Micah was standing there) that we would go as long as it was working. Or if I was weary, I would actually  say, "I just don't know." and move on. It was a hard question. Experienced people would nod their heads with sadness. People who were new to this stuff would just look at me blankly trying to figure out if I was being rude.

But we are almost at a finished point. Really, can you imagine? After thousands and thousands of prayers, buckets of tears and heartache, months (Dec2009-March 2010) of letting Micah go and telling him that he will love heaven, we are coming to a place we never dreamed possible..

We have never allowed ourselves to think of a finish line. We knew God could chose forever healing for Micah. But we have limited our looking ahead and have chosen to try to stay "in the day". I have had hours of hope, maybe a day or two at most. But it seemed foolish to go down that road. In the last months, it has been easier, but we are still so cautious (Although things are beautiful and exciting, we still need to stay a little cautious.) But I can feel myself sitting on the edge, ready to dangle my feet into the water. Thinking that Micah could graduate highschool, get married, have some babies and live a life serving the Lord. God has used him mightily already and I can't wait to see what He has in store for him. (I have been thinking of starting an adoption account for my boy and his wife. I just might have to do that. What a fun wedding present that would be (O: )

Thank you for rejoicing with me yesterday, even though I wasn't sure why. Haha. It made me look closer at  yesterday and made me work through things.

We are looking at the end of April for Micah's next scan. He will be having an MRI of his abdomen and lungs.  We are still on a three month schedule and I am so thankful for that. That would mean May, could be the big month! I am not sure when we will go to 6 months. I wonder if it will be when he gets his port out. Having his port out and going 6 months between is an exciting prospect. That is very significant and telling of how much time has really passed. But it still is a little scary.  To be perfectly blunt, it kind of feels like sky diving without a parachute. I have to remind myself that God is my parachute and I don't have to be scared. He is in control. It is all planned.


  1. Belinda, I really cannot put into words what I feel after reading this... all I know is that God is GOOD!!! God... God just IS. He is our God, our father. No, our 'Abba', our daddy. We can trust. I am so amazed and overwhelmed by the goodness that he has poured onto your family!!! I am thanking the Lord with you!!! :)
    Love. -Emily.

  2. Oh, I understand. In a different way, a different journey. How beautiful it would/will be to let your feet dangle and just swim in the comfort of peace and hope! Mmm, so thankful that you are able to taste a little bit of hope and joy right now. God has been very kind to bring you out of the darkness and to this place! Praying that you will continue to have joy..more and more! :-)

  3. Hi Belinda . it seems we so often forget to contact but I hope you know you are in our prayers. Praise God for the hope He has given you in that you are nearing the "finish". We need to remind ourselves there is but one step between life and death for all of us, but I do believe the Lord also gives us these rays of sunshine, such as a 'finish' and that He provides for us the means to be happily grateful, without having to worry about possible death all thetime. May we all continue to trust Him and live through Him. I pray for continued blessings and healing. B


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