A little of this and that....

OHHHH, I have been wanted to blog all week. We have a laptop and an oooold desktop. Ken has taken the laptop to school every day and has been working on it all night. The desk top is just too annoying to use. So, now it's my turn! (O:

I wrote this post on Thursday morning. I actually wrote it with a pen! I still want to get it down. It's nothing exciting, just things I would like to remember.
  • Micah twisted his knee on Monday night, skiing. It is still sore. But at least he can put a decent amount of weight on it again. It could have been worse. 
  • Natalie got up early and started her school work on Monday morning. She was done everything except Bible, which she does with Micah and Worldview, which we do all together. So she was done by 9:30. What a good girl! She is getting so big. She has to work very hard in school. It is good to see her putting in such an effort. She has come a long way since September. 
  • Exam /major/marking/report card time is over! Phew! That is a week and a half  that Ken and I shake hands in passing as we go through our days. It makes me appreciate normal! (O:
  • This weather make me SMILE!!!!!! It truly is a blessing for me. The sunshine is a delight.
  • Ken and I have started walking again in this glorious weather. I walked in a sweater and light jacket the other night with no mitts or hat. I love walking with my Ken. It is my favourite time of day! 
  • There are only 76 more days of school. We have a lot to learn in 76 days. Yikes 
  • In the last week, I have realized how blessed I am to have my kids. Having been without them for a few days, I realized how full my life is. It is busy, hard and sometimes exhausting. But it is also so rich. I loved my time. I got school planning done, some organizing and I love no schedule, but I couldn't go back to 1 baby. It was a little lonely and I don't know what I would do with my time! (O: Although, I  would love one day week to play catch up and to have a little time for myself. Maybe someday we could work that out! 
  • Grace has grown up in the last weeks. She has gotten more words. She is quite behind in talking. She is following suit with the others. I am sure speech therapy will become part of our routine again. She is saying - nose, nigh night, Josh, Mama, Daddy, Siah, Nad, Gramma, Grampa, juice, Hi, num num, cooold, nooo, dog, cat, awww, meow and ruff. There have got to be a few more, but that is all I can think of. She puts her dolls to bed and says shhhhhh and then closes the door to her room. She is a dancer and a singer. When she kisses she clucks her tongue to make the sound because her lips can't do it! I love her spunk!
  • Ken still gives me butterflies and I don't take our relationship for granted. I am blessed. (O:
  • Micah got an IPOD touch for Christmas/Birthday. He lost it 2 weeks after he got it. It was sad and kind of annoying. He found it this week and he is so excited! 
  • I was very blessed by this post and the link where her post came from.


  1. Kids are wonderful! So glad that you see yours as such a blessing to you.

    I also read the Macs blog, and I appreciated that post so much! She has such a beautiful heart.


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