In the Valley

I was just on facebook listening to a link that someone put up of Greg Lucas. I should say that I haven't listened to whole thing yet. I had to write this first! (O:

He and his wife adopted a special needs boy as a baby. This talk is intended for special needs families, but I think it can be applicable to all. (I will link the talk and his blog tonight, if our good computer is working again. I am on a dinasour of a computer and it will take forever!) He also wrote the book, Wrestling with an Angel. He is a godly man, with a beautiful story and message.

There were a few words that struck me deep inside.

When we are in the valley:

God meets us with His presence.
His grace is the sweetest.
His love is the deepest.
His glory is amplified
and His presence is magnified.

I have experienced this and am sure at times in the past I have tried to explain it to someone. But my words were never worthy of the profound beauty of the experience.

Greg's words say it well.

When we were the valley, the Lord was so close. His spirit lives in us all the time because are Christians, but His presence was almost palpatable. The way He carried us physically, emotionally and spiritually is remarkable. The way He loved us was beautiful. He gave me joy in times of sadness. His grace and strength was always sufficient for the day.

I will never forget the comfort of God holding me closely and tenderly. For me this only happened in the valley, during our very difficult months of cancer. I actually long for that closeness sometimes. God is still with me and always will be, but it's not the same.

God is so loving, gracious and kind to those who love Him. I am thankful to serve such an awesome God!
