A Trip to the Museum

9 yrs 51 wks! (O:
Last week, we went to the Children's Museum in London. We didn't go because we love it. We went because we bought a groupon that gave us a year family membership for 40$. This membership also gets us into the Science Center in Toronto. Woo Hoo. That is so amazing. We are hoping to go this week still!

Even though it is a little young for most of the kids. We still made it a family outing and had a good time!

When I look at my kids in pictures, I really see how big they are getting.

I did take about 50 pictures. I had a hard time choosing. I down loaded 35 of them onto this post, but decided that was a bit much! (O:

7 3/4 years.
5 3/4 years. (I just realized writing his age that he is same age as when Micah was diagnosed. He is so little.)

I couldn't get a picture here and it drove me crazy. I tried for way too long to get one here! Truth be told, I have always wanted to get pics beside each other. It saves space so the post isn't so long and drawn out. But I am coming to the conclusion, that it not worth the annoyance! The pictures still aren't all even!(O:

This was crazy challenging for Josh! 13 3/4 yrs
My Ken is still a bit of a kid!

When Micah is concentrating, he opens his mouth!

There was a little Mc Donalds in the play area. Grace loved the drive through window!
Ken was hoping the needle wouldn't go too high! (O

When we came out it was snowing like crazy. My dearest Micah did not even wear a coat. We didn't realize until we got there. It didn't really feel all that cold though. The snow in his picture looks like confetti! Grace wasn't too excited though!  I am actually not sure why her mitts and hat weren't on and why her coat wasn't done up. The van was close, but poor little love! You can see the skid marks in the snow where Josh was doing donuts with her stroller. I think that is part of the reason, she is frowning. We have LOVED this green weather. (O:

I had to put one last one in. I was trying to get a picture of all the kids together and this lady stopped and commented on how cute Grace was and was saying something about the amount of kids. Haha. I love how Josh and Siah are looking. I wonder what they are thinking! Grace seems to be eating the love up! (O:


  1. We bought the Groupon coupon too and went the weekend before Christmas. I was super excited that we could go to so many places having that membership. I will definitely have to go to the Science Centre this year. My kids loved the Mc Donalds area and fire truck stuff.


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