They are ALL gone! (O:

It is kind of early. The time I would be making sure everyone is out of bed, that their beds are made, breakfast had and teeth brushed.

Instead I am sitting here at the counter with a computer and a little crazy girl in her highchair eating her yogurt.

They are gone. All of them except Pippa and myself.

The family is first off to Ken's school. Ken has an exam this morning and it is not worth the driving for him to come home after. School is already 40 minutes in the right direction. So the kids will play some games and read some books in the library for a little over an hour.

Then it is off to Pennings Family hotel night. We usually all go to Niagara Falls together as an extended family, but this time I am staying home with Grace. She is so much work and a water park doesn't actually sound all that appealing with her. She would like it for an hour out of the 12, but the rest......Also, the rooms are for 5 only. Really? We don't want to get another room. Crazy.

I have been secretly looking forward to having a quiet house. But what did I do once they were all packed in the van and ready to go? I cried.

As much as I need a break and I am looking forward to no school, no fights to break up and no schedule, they are still my little people and I love them fiercely!

After we all prayed together and now that it is quiet and they are gone, I am not crying anymore. I am actually smiling really big. I may even be laughing out loud. (O:  I will pray for their safety and have a delightful time at home.

I plan to finish cleaning church, listen to loud music, clean my house and maybe do some blogging. My house may even stay clean for more than 20 minutes. I might even get rid of a whole bunch of stuff that no one will miss. I love "Goodwilling"! Hahaha FUN!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh fun! I would have the same reaction...the crying and then the giddy! lol


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