Prelim results are in...... (O:

I called our case manager Barb today (I am cheater and call very early, instead of waiting for our follow up appointment in two weeks.) to see if the prelim results for Micah's MRI were in.

It was, and she said that it looks good.


That pretty much means that it is clear. She just can't say that until it's official. There is a crazy small chance that it's not clear and that they change that report. I really don't know how that would happen though.

So, as far as I am concerned, Micah just had another clear scan.

Hmmm. I am excited and thankful. I am crying and laughing. I am hopeful for the future and starting to let myself think that Micah could grow up.

I don't really know what to do next. We have been living in a bit of a bubble for a few weeks. We have been walking softly and not planning anything, past hearing the results.

I may say this every time, but every clear scan amazes me even more at what God has done in our family. I remember when Micah had surgery in March of 2010, we didn't even know if Ken should sign a contract for teaching in September, because there was a good chance the cancer would be back. I didn't even buy school books until a few weeks before school, because I didn't think I would be teaching my kids. NOW, it is Jan 2012 and look where we are. Micah is 10 and aside from lungs that are a little weak, physically as far as we know he is perfect!

What else is there to say except....Thank you LORD. Thank you LORD!!!


  1. Thanking the Lord with you!!! :)

  2. yah, I'm not usually one to cry. But this makes me have tears! Praise God!

  3. THANK YOU GOD!!!!! He is SO SO SO kind! There aren't words for it are there! He is GOD.

  4. God is good!! Praise the Lord!!

    Marianne VP

  5. I have a big, big smile!!!!!!! God IS good,so good! Have a fantastic weekend:0)

  6. Awesome news!!


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