I have had so many things that happen throughout the week that I think are funny or that I want to remember. I always want to write them down to remember, but never have time.

This time, I am just going to do it.

Tuesday was an exam prep/marking day for Ken. So he was home and we had to be quiet. I had planned ahead and let the kids do some school the night before, so we could have an easy school day and maybe go out to give Ken some quiet.

So we first went to the library. I am so thankful it's open again. It was closed for 6 months for renos. (I am not sure where the millions went though. It is cheerful and things are moved around. but it's not "WOW". I think we built it up too much in our mind.)  Anyways, we were there browsing and I just love watching Siah pick his books. He looks at the pictures on the front, then sits down on the floor and browses it before picking it. Next time we go, we need spend a few hours there. It is peaceful and they have to be quiet! Haha! (O:

Siah had to go to the bathroom while we were there. He wanted to go in the boys by himself. He can usually handle things on his own. He was taking long, and since the library was pretty much empty and we were in the kids section which is in the basement, plus, the urinals are cute little boy urinals, I thought it was pretty safe to stick my head in and talk to him. He needed help, so I went into the boy's bathroom and into the stall to help. While I was in there, a man came in and stepped up to the urinal. I had to try not to let him realize that a woman was in there. But Siah kept blabbing, because that is what he does.

"Hey MOM, why is the toilet paper like that?"

"Hey MOM why..... why..... why?????"

Unless the guys was deaf, he knew I was there. I just tried to laugh as softly as possible waiting for him to go out. I couldn't even explain out loud to Siah why we had to wait in the stall.


Then we went to Value Village. I can handle 5 kids shopping without a probs. It is something you get used to. Although, Grace is a HUGE pain right now. She is demanding and is the kid who will be on the floor throwing temper tantrums in 6 months. You know the kid you look at and wonder what is wrong with them? Then you look at their mother and think they must be incompetent? Grace is going to be that girl and I am going to be that mom. Yep, it's going to happen!! I am disciplining her and trying to be consistent. But she is a toughy. Her attitude is fierce!

Anyways, we shopped and shopped. Then came the time to try things on. I sent everyone to their own change room, but after a few articles each, we ended up in the handicap change room. That was so much easier. Siah, my crazy, was in his underwear and saw a big mirror and was dancing and singing up a storm. He is made to sing and dance. He defies the rules of being Reformed! haha. I am OK with that. I think he was singing O Come All Ye Faithful! He wasn't being that loud and I was just ignoring him and doing what I had to do to get done.

Josh was mortified because he said we are becoming one of those crazy big families with out of control kids. Ummm. Ok. (O:

Siah was getting funnier and funnier. I started laughing quietly, while Josh was trying to get Siah to be quiet. Josh was having a small heart attack. Siah wasn't that loud. He wasn't yelling. So we all started laughing at Josh's reaction to Siah and at Siah, who was in his own world. Then Josh was upset because we were laughing too loud. I thought the whole scene was rather humorous. (O:

It may not seem funny to you, reading this. But I have the pictures in my mind and I don't want to forget the words.

While we were driving we saw a smart truck/van? Very cool little thing. The kids were saying how neat it was and that it had to be smart because of the shape. Siah asked, "How do you know if a car is smart or not?" Haha! (O:

Also,  yesterday, Josh told me that I could be a race car driver the way I was taking the corners. I asked if that was good or bad. He said it was good. But I am thinking that is bad!  I should probably slow it down! (O:


  1. lol! so so funny. Love the changeroom story, you had me laughing. Sounds like Josh is officially a teenager, embarrassed by his family. lol (I remember being that age and asking to push my own cart so no one would know I was with a "crazy big family with out of control kids" lol

  2. Hahaha, that is a great story! And Beth's comment made me laugh, too.
    Hope you enjoy your quiet weekend. Sometimes Emily will go for a two day sleep over at my mom's house. The first day, I LOVE the quiet. Jacob plays so nicely without anyone annoying him and I get lots accomplished. But by the second day, I am LONELY. Even though she's only 4, she is quite a friend to me already. And I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but sometimes it's good to be reminded of just how much I "like" my kids. Love is a given, but sometimes it's not always easy to like a moody, stubborn, dramatic 4 year old girl ;)
    Enjoy your peace and quiet :)


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